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Lazy Baby bettas??


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I have a huge spawn of bettas. They are about a month and a half old and just starting to colour up. I have noticed for a few weeks now that a good percentage of the babies just laze around the bottom of the tank and when they pop up to the surface, it is a bit of a struggle for them. They just don't seem to swim properly. I thought "i will just keep an eye on them for a while to see if they come right" but they haven't.


They developed wrong (not really what i mean but don't know what i mean :o )

Their swim bladder is deformed?

They are just lazy?

Would like to hear what everyone has to say about this. Especially betta breeding pros!

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Hey there

I have noticed the same my spawnings to. I don't know if its something physicly wrong (swim bladder, their lung) or if its just them being lazy. I have also noticed that over time they don't come right and still just hang at the bottom.

Hopefully there will be an answer for both of us at some stage :D Sorry I couldn't help any further but I can say your not alone.

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I have only ever had the malady happen to me once.

That was a spawning I did in January this year.

Happily I can say it only affected one (1) fish and that was a female.

She has to struggle to get to the top of a 25cm tank.

It is a swim bladder deformity and is incurable although it is not a congenital defect.

My female didnt show the symptons until May this year and she is quite a big fish.

If I had seen it earlier my Panchax would have had a treat. :oops:

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It sounds like a swim bladder problem and that is usually too late by the time you spot it. I have never had the problem, I suspect because when I was breeding them they were in a heated fish house and the air was the same temperature as the water and also moist. This is hard to achieve in an unheated room and may be the cause at an early age when the swim bladder is developing.

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Sorry Loopy,

But I think it is a futile exercise hanging on to those deformed fish.

It really does the hobby no good by them getting on the market accidentally or people seeing deformities in your fish, as they ask whether or not you have good stock to start with.

They are not interested in anything other than; it looks nice , and "I like that colour", and normally they dont ask "can it go in with my other fish?

They also produce no return on the investment of your time and feeding.

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