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Hi-Fin Platy


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I got four of these guys last week.

One died from the stress of being added to a new tank. (Sunset Orange/Red female, gorgeous)

One was sick but came right and is just fine now chasing all the ladies (Sunset Orange/Red male, same as above)

Another was sick, but came right, then got sick again, and I put him in a hospital tank two days ago, he was covered in a white film, so I gave him strong aeration, plants, melafix + rock salt and temp at 28C. The white film disappeared but he died of what I would say was a bacterial infection (I knew what he needed but didnt have the money, so just crossed fingers). This was a female red with black tail and hi-fin.

The only one that didn't get sick, is doing fine, and is a duplicate of the one that died this morning in the hospital tank. Except now she has a white film build up :evil: :evil: :evil:

I also purchased a fifth blue paltty, with a normal fin, at the same time, and just like every other fish in the tank its just dandy, no problems at all.

So I'm guessing that the hi-fin gene weakens the fish? or did I just get a bad batch? I want to know because I dont want to breed a needlessly weakend gene.

I've got a bag of rock salt here, will a half dose of this stop the hi-fin platty from developing this white film? I say half dose because I have scaleless fish in the tank as well, and previously had never put any salt in because of this. I'm not going to put her in a hospital tank because she looks fine, eating, swimming fast etc, I can just see that film and I dont like it.

Ph 7.0-7.2

kH 5

Am 0

Nitrate 0 (heavily planted plus regular water changes)

Temp is around 27-28, I plan to turn this down to 25 soon though.

Substrate isn't vacuumed due to plants.

Only other fish loss was an angel with a huge bite that got infected, was hoping he'd deal with it on his own but he didn't.

Curious about other peoples experiences too.

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hah and how is this for luck

Something has taken a big chunk of the lucky hi-fin's right plectoral fin, he doesn't seem to mind but eck. I know who too, got a baby angel who thinks its funny to bite everything, he likes to wake up the neons in the morning too :x

And the female with the film is trying to get it off, swiping against wood/glass etc. Since I have a warm bucket here I might as well give her a salt bath then put her back, hopefully I dont stuff that up :(

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My advice for the slimy platys would be to give the tank a good water change.

Then treat the affected fishys with some white spot cure in the hospital tank.

Most shops have a white spot cure of some brand or another. They all pretty much have the same stuff in them and only cost a few dollars for a small bottle. treat for about 5 days.

The sliminess can be due to shock or poor conditions. and yes secondary bacterial infections are very common.

let us know how the patients get on.

And you baby angel sounds adorable (in a naughty way) I have a couple of baby angels here and i can't get over just how darn CUTE they are!

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you are right. it is a bacteria bloom which caused this. generally with poor water condition, no enough aeration and with a high temperature the bacteria can really take off.

platies are tough little guys. give them a good change and dose of meth. blue for couple days they should be fine.

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Her bath didn't cause any harm, and hopefully it'll help kill off the slime.

I've got two types of sunset. One makes me think of sunsets, the other looks more like a flame. I'll take photos soon.

I'm going to lower the tank temperature, do a water change, and reduce feeding. Should make the tank an easier place to live. There has been a lot of Indian Fern that had started rotting underneath itself, perhaps that fueled a bit of bacterial fire?? Water is clear and cycles 5 times an hour.

Other platy's have been in there for 2 months now, and I have about 70 babies in the two fry tanks (hoping for some good looking virgins *fingers crossed*). No problems with any platy except these new hi-fins :-? so was just a little worried.

Glad to hear yours are good Keri :)

On a side note, Brine Shrimp are a pain in the bum.

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Spent heaps of time making hatchery, spent $18 on a few teaspoonfulls of eggs :roll: then waited 36 hours, then the eggs didnt float properly, so when I moved them to the tank some of the eggs went as well and made a mess, and then the baby fish didn't even get excited!!!! They ate them, but they get a lot more excited over bloodworms (which they have to fight with to get even a bite). Also got some of that special fry food, and that created a near-bloodworm-like reaction with the fry as well.

I'm going to try a Daphnia culture next.

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