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Hi, Ive just set up a new 180 liter tank. so far it is stcked with 2 Platys, 4 neons 1 Red tailed Black Shark and 1 Bristile nose. all fish are very small

the Black shark and one of the Platys have been flashing off the gravel substrate and drift wood.

Is theis a problem? i.e. Disease related or just scratching?

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This indicates some form of irritation of either the skin or gills.

This could be caused by raised levels of ammonia, nitrite or high/low pH. Irritation can also be caused by ectoparasites such as flukes, Trichodina, white-spot etc on the skin or gills.

How long has the tank been set up? Has it cycled fully yet?

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A tank cycle can be hard on fish. A water change will certainly help. 8)

Your local fish shop may be able to test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate for you so you can see where you are in the cycle. A tank is cycled when ammonia and nitrite readings are zero and nitrate readings are showing. You may need more water changes to look after your fish until this happens.

Good luck and let us know how things go.


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Definitely do another water change and get your water tested as mentioned above.

Keep a very close eye on your fish over the next couple of weeks and keep doing water changes every few days and get your water tested again in another week maybe.

Do you have any other tanks? If so you could use some filter media from an already cycled tank to help cycle this tank.

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I just got a PM from him C.

I did not notice that he was from Hiksville as well.

I'll get in touch with him, or continue at least with the PM's, and see if I can help locally.

Now maybe the posters can see the value of putting where your locale is.

Alan 104

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