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there is only really 3 types commonly found in LFS reeve. snake neck and redear. reeve been the smallest but they're hard to find now and would set u back a good $200 if u do find one.

redear is goin to be ur best option but they do grow to around 20cm+ within 3 of years but males do tend to grow slower but will end up around the same size.

a two foot tank is a good size to start with and ur need a turtle tank or a plain tank with a basking area so they can dry off completely.

getting a turtle is a very big cimmitment, a life time in fact as they last as long as we do, beside what u read on line and in books claiming they only have a life span of 40-50 years there is record of wild ones that live for hundreds.

do ur homework before goin out and buying one just because they're cute as they dont stay that size for long and soon a 5 foot tank would be considered the bare minimum for these guys :D

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