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My 100L asian community


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I've had my 100L tank set up for 6 weeks now and I'm looking for ideas of what to stock it with. I want preferably small peaceful fish and imthinking maybe try to keep it asian - Dwarf Gouramis, cherry barbs, Loaches and Harlequins

I currently have

A Khuli - getting some more buddies for it this week

A Male Betta - Red

3 Albino Cories

Will Dwarf Gouramis, cherry barbs and Harlequins go okay in with the Betta? I think SAEs and glass catfish will get too big

What other small asian fish do people keep? Or what else do you think I should add?

Thanks :bounce:

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Well i got three more khulis today :D and they're wrigglin everywhere

I was wondering what is the opinion on Dwrf Gouramis. Are they very weak and die a lot? Would i be better off looking for some honey gouramis?

Also will harlequins become nippy towards gouramis and my betta?

Thanks :bounce:

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i have read alot on the net about dwarfs being infested with parasites and nasties alot and that is why many people have trouble keeping them. NZ ones would be worse i would imagine as we often get sent the lower quality fish from the wholesalers over seas (best go to states and europe and then so on). read a few accounts on here where people had trouble keeping them but im sure many keep them quite successfully, if you like them why not try them out?

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kuhli's (however you spell it :oops: ) are great I love my 3 one of my favourite fish, then again all my fish are my favourites :lol:

I have had my dwarf gourami for ages with no problems - I would love to get him a g/f but can't seem to find any around :-?

Sorry I can't help with the harlequins question but I would be interested to find out though :)

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I keep honey gouramis, banded gouramis, and Dwarf gouramis,

The key with the dwarfs is to get healthy stock in the first place which can be hard to find in the petstores.

Try trade me I got my females of there, my males all came from the petstores but i treated them for whitespot in there own tank for 2 weeks before adding them to the comunity tank.

I love them lol (go for the largest most bluest males just my opinion).

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  • 4 weeks later...

forgot to say the inhabitants are

2 longfin leopard Danios }

3 longfin Zebra Danios } --- Thanks to Mystic

3 Pearl Danios }

2 Pairs of Dwarf Gourami } Thanks to Zev

1 Red Betta

2 Glass Catfish } Thanks to Timtam22

4 Khuli Loaches

Now that im stocked im going to concentrate on the plants and upgrade my lighting. :bounce:

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do ya think if i was to upgrade to MH on my tank would 150W be overkill on 100L? the danks dimensions are 90*30*38 LWH other wise would 70W or something like that be better. I have seen the 55W T5 tubes but they are all too long to fit under my hood.

I will try get some more pics up soon

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IMO i aint sold on MH (which is the reason i wont get it) i have seen more successful tanks on plain fluros (even if they do have like 6 tubes :lol: ) than on MH, MH are expensive and create alot of heat and if you dont have the perfect balance in your tank your gonna get algae problems like nothing else. i say put your money into extra fluros (perhaps someone can source some T5's for ya?) for a tank of that size, they work out cheaper and are easier to deal with.

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Thanks for all your help. Tubes will probably be the way i go - three or four 20W tubes

Also after a bit of inspection i noticed my pearl danios have whiskers - is this normal for all or just for males or females?

I also found a snail in my tank today and it was very much alive :-? im unsure of where it came from but ill keep a sharp lookout for anymore

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  • 2 weeks later...

More pics


My Betta


One of my male dwarf gouramis


The largest of the two glass cats


the smaller glass cat


My betta resting on a rock

sorry about the small size and bad quality all are taken off a phone :( as i dont have a Digital Camera. Any feedback appreicated :bounce:

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I found two snails today in my tank. both had flats shells which were dragged rather that carried and were brown. They were 3mm and 2 mm across.

I think they may have been from the wood i put in the filter (to lower the ph slightly) I did pour boiling water over it and soaked it.

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do ya think if i was to upgrade to MH on my tank would 150W be overkill on 100L? the danks dimensions are 90*30*38 LWH other wise would 70W or something like that be better. I have seen the 55W T5 tubes but they are all too long to fit under my hood.

It depends on what sort of effect from the light you are looking for, I have a 70w MH over a 400mm cube tank, which has a lower ph and slightly brownish water, the MH gives a nice crisp light which plays across the substrate, plants and driftwood, giving highlights and shadows as it refracts off the suface of the water. (We just have a sponge filter with a tube that releases bubbles along the surface of the water).

A single 70w might not give you the coverage across a 900mm tank that some fluoros would, and two would probably be rather expensive. Plus you may need to mount them higher above the tank to get the spread.

There are a couple of threads about MH

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/1-vt12 ... sc&start=0

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/great- ... tml#158811

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