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Hello from Auckland


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My name is Art. I started a planted tank 10 years ago. My tank is 90X45X45 cm. I used Dupla system back then but without the substrate heating. I had 110 watts flouros (2 x 30watts, and 2 x 25 watts) using arcadia retrofitted on the canopy. My tank has undergone care and neglect in the 10 past years. At some point, I tried Discus, but my tank was small to house a few of them. For the past few years, it had been a low-tech, single 30 watt tube, low-maint aquarium.

I have renewed interest in doing high-tech so I can grow again all those red plants. After 10 years, some of my equipments are breaking down. I replaced my heater before it breaks. Two of my arcadia light controllers are now broken so I'm only doing 60 watts. I am waiting for T5 flouros to get into NZ market. And to my surprise, Jansens doesn't refill CO2 cylinders any more. Something to do with regulations. So I bought this Nutrafin CO2 system. It is not as good as CO2 pressurised. I was hoping I can reuse my Dupla. HELP!

My fish are 12 cardinals, 6 rummy-nose, a recently acquired royal whiptail, recently acquired 5 otocinclus (one is missing), a few (I don't know how many) kuhli loaches. A few rummy-nose have survived over the years (porbably more than 5 years). My kuhli loach has been in my tank for more than 9 years!

For plants, I have lots of hygrophilla polysperma to start again with. I also had this anubias of 9 years. Some Java ferns. And crypts that melted 10 years ago, but is now thriving in the foreground.

I'm using Seachem flourish, Seachem flourish excel, and Seachem potassium.

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hi and welcome :bounce:

T5s are already in NZ and a few of us here use them too but why not go for Metal halide lamps if u want some good plant growth.

WOW how big are those 9 year old Kuhlis

What shops have t5 ?

Those kuhlis did not get longer, they got thicker (or fatter). I also have a variety that are smaller and like worms. They are very shy. Sometimes I don't see them for months depending on other bottom-dwellers that I bought and depending on how dense my planting is. They can survive eating decaying plant matter and snails. Over the years some became plant food.

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