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Greetings from the South


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The new tank has

2 pearl gouramis

3 lemon tetras

and 2 gorgeous peppered corys

but I feel I need something more, preferably with colour!!

The old tank 3 fantail goldies, 1 blackmoor,

3 zebra danios

and 1 bronze catfish

with the temp turned down as low as the tropicals can stand I might add.

These guys are have just moved to a bigger tank as the goldfish are growing fast and I've met a lionhead I just have to have(I'm sure you all know how that is!!!!).

So I'm left with an empty little tank, 40' by30'by30 that I'm thinking just might be perfect for a pair of Bettas. what do you think?

Cheers Tracey

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MCT is right, the male may rip into the female unless you give enough plant cover, they usually don't mix well until they want to breed and even then you need to remove the female soon after before he attacks her. Maybe two females or a single male with other fish? Good luck deciding either way, love the smell of a new tank :D

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I'm not sure male bettas are capable of feeling lonely, they are too busy admiring themselves. Put a mirror in there with him so he can display at the 'intruder' and he'll be totally happy.

Smaller, more zippy fish might nip at his fins.



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