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Has anyone tried.....


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We've got an aquarium in our lounge, it's maybe 350L or so, with cichlids, silver dollars and plecs.

It does get a little bit of sunlight during the day (mainly on the top of the tank) and goes green in the space of a week, so we have been dosing with accu-clear or JBL clearol to clear it up, which works well.

I was walking through the supermarket on a mission to get ice cream the other night, when I went down the wrong aisle and ended up next to the pool chemicals. There was one chemical there (beside all the nasty chlorines and ph balancers and stuff) that was designed for pool algae.

This particular preparation was not a chlorine-based algae product, but was a "clump and dump" product, similar to accu-clear or clearol.

My question is, has anybody tried using this stuff, or shall I be the first on a donor tank with a donor fish?

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