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urgent help required - pleco


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rex is sick. he grazed his "nose" a while ago. i left it as he had done this to his head once and it cleared up by itself. this time it is fluffy white and there are other fluffly white patches on his face. he is currently in the middle of the tank standing on his tail proped up by a plant.

what could it be and what can i use to treat it???

i will have to move him from the tank he's in as there is a knife in there and i don't want to treat if it my kill the knife.

please help as i don't know how long he will last in this condition :cry:

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I always take them out and stick meth blue directly on the fungus and then put them back in.. I think people use melafix as well? But im unsure id go with the meth blue to start with (be careful it will stain everything and anything it touches and soak into the silicon in your tank) theres probably something better these days but haven't had to treat it for ages..

Good luck let me know how you get on.

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anyone disagree with Furan 2??

i have used this before in my guppy tank and it had no adverse affect on my BN's.

have moved rex to another tank now. had no problems getting him out of the tank at all, which is extremely unusual for him. he hates nets and normally theres a 1/2hr chase around the tank dislodging eveything that he can just to catch him.

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Sorry to hear that Tsarina. Sometimes this happens no matter what you do. In fish, it is often too late if you can already see the signs of secondary infection (like the fluff). Sometimes they come right and sometimes they don't. :cry:

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