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What is this Critter?


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We have a few of these in our tank, they seem to drift around and occasionally settle on the bottom or stick onto the glass. This one is about 2mm across, less dangly bits.

They have a 'leg' and 'body' arrangement similar to the Lunar Lander (circa 1969) ie, all feet on the ground, legs pointing upwards, then hinging at the top and then going back down to base of body in the centre, body points upwards. Argh! - that sounds confusing - heres a link for a pic of the lander http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_program

I have seen a bigger one, about 4mm sitting on the sand.


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No idea :o

What I want to know is how did you get such a clear photo of it if it is only about 2mm across. Wicked macro function :D

Pretty cool looking though :D

Canon S2 IS

Has super macro that will take a photo of something that touches the lens - none of this 150mm away from the subject stuff.

Oh, and Photoshop, take photos in Superfine and Large format, then crop them in Photoshop so that the critter isn't something like 36,000 pixels to 5 million pixels of water!

In saying that, though the camera is not manual enough for me, just a souped up point and click.... I want a digital SLR!!!!

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either that or a space monster......

I don't want any monsters in my tank!!

I'm having enough trouble with my Maroon trying to 'monster' our new BTA. Poor thing, we've only had it a few days, and the Maroon won't stop wriggling around in it, even when the lights are off - it's almost obscene!

Just as well the Maroon is only little.

Today it must have had enough, after lunch it sucked itself up and hid under a rock, only to have the Maroon in under there sideways still trying to rub itself in it, and yanking at it's tenticles trying to get it out! Now it has gone around the back of the tank and opened up where we can't see it... Grrr

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My little anenome had the same problem. :roll: My big mum fire clown did exactly the same thing - basically loved it toooo much. And yeah you are right - I felt a bit like a pervert watching her she seemed to enjoy it so much :oops: :oops:

I took the anenome out and put it in my fuge for a while to let it recover for a bit then replaced it in the main tank as far from the clown as possible. Fortunately the clown has eggs at one end of the tank and doesn't like being too far from them (unlike dad who doesn't leave them at all :o (bit hen pecked I reckon) so putting the anenome well away gives it a bit of respite. Seems to be doing quite well now, growing and extending nicely and even getting colour back.

You could try moving yours in the tank

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quite clearly zev you got it right from the start, nasa made a miniature space ship that landed in your fish tank. phone them up and tell them you know where there top secret molecular atom-ship is and you're holding all crew to ransom until they pay you 1 million dollars...

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LOL, my bad............

thats ok you are not the first who done it! :D

So is it a good critter, or a bad one?

well not really as it does not harm your normal stock, it may harm eggs or larvae of corals and fish but then so do other corals. the mother stock apparently harms sessile inverts in some books but i never had any probs. as the colony died out soon after the hatching started! :-?

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