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Axolotl going Blind?

nemo's mom

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Hello all! Have had my axo for about a year now. In the last month or so he has become 'blind' in one eye - or so it would seem. His eye has gone opaque. He doesnt seem worried about this and it doesnt hinder his movement, feeding etc. However I am just wondering if anyone else had experienced something like this before and if so is it blindness, or a fungi etc?

Any help much appreciated! :hail:

:bounce: Racheal

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sometimes poor water can attribute to cloudy eye, is your water ok? sometimes as axies get older they can become blind, normally happens from 8-9 years onwards (as they can live from 10-15 years). as long as its acting and eating fine, and the eye isnt fluffy it should be ok, try a few extra water changes and see if that makes a difference. if you can get a pic that would be helpful too :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same problem here :(

Posted in the marine section

Skippy posted

Fish Gone Blind

Gave my tank a big cleanout this morning and noticed that Boris, my Phaelena goby, was swimming around the top of the tank and didn't seem at all bothered with me messing around in the tank. He is normally a bit on the shy side if anyone is close to the tank.

On closer inspection I found that he couldn't see. Didn't respond to me sticking a hand alongside his head on either side so he obviously couldn't see it. Was able to touch him without him reacting much, although he did try to chew my finger. Watched him a bit longer and he was bumping into the glass and then I found him stuck on the overflow grate.

This is not the first time I have had a fish go blind on me. Have had a couple of clowns and chromis go blind too. Apart from not being able to see they appear perfectly healthy, no obvious physical problems, not skinny (although that soon changes once they can't see to eat), no spot or anything else.

I do have a couple of softies that are reputed to be a bit on the toxic side (devils hand, ricordea and a big rhodactis) but have had fish in the tank way longer than the goby and they don't seem to have any problems. I have a citron goby that sits in the devils hand all day.

Did a full spectrum water parameter check - all OK. I am at a loss as too why these fish have gone blind. Has anyone else out there had similar problems, more to the point have they figured out why. Has anyone got any suggestions as to why or what could be causing it? Any advice would be appreciated

As said previously, any advice most welcome :o

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