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electric blue


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I have an electric blue holding, and because she is holding she is not eating.

shes in a 240L african tank, is it worth catching her and putting her in her own tank?

Or do i catch her pop her babies out of her mouth and put her back in the african tank?

Or do i just leave her be?

Also please note i work in a pet shop and she is for sale, so i dont want to massively stress her out or for her to lose condition by not eating.

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You could just strip them into the tank if you didn't want to stress.. Id personally let her hold 2 weeks and strip her, but as Dan has said if its her time she will either spit or eat them early or it will be a pathetic amount of babies probably no more than 10.. So if your setup and keen to raise the babies and she holds till 2 weeks they should be sweet if you strip her then and stick them in a guppy trap with an air stone keeping them moving around until their egg sacks are gone and then start feeding them whatever you like..

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I ve never seen a fish "holding" before this so i dont know how to tell how many she has in there but by the looks im thinking not many.....so ill just leave her, unless she holds for the 2 weeks then ill review the situation i guess

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She might but with her first lot she may just spit or eat them early.. If you really want them id strip at 2 weeks but if she holds that long chances are she may just keep on going and spit naturally.. Hopefully shes not so hungry she just turns around and eats them lol.

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Yeah I guess I forgot about the whole "this fish is for sale..." we strip at 2 weeks because we leave the fish in the tank to hold and then put them straight back into the tank with stripping them at 2 weeks the babies still live and the fish doesn't get too run down so can still hold its own when its back in the tank.

I know on the flip side were training the fish to only hold 2 weeks but it doesn't concern us.

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