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Nic G

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Posts posted by Nic G

  1. General rule is not to have straight beaks mixed together with hook beaks, but in saying that we have bourkes and canaries together with no problems, and I know others who do too. :)

    Maybe you could try budgies with a couple of cockatiels, a couple of bourkes and maybe some chinese quail for the floor? That would give you a nice mix :D

  2. Hi sharn,

    Checked that out, but no, they're a lot longer and skinnier than that... microscopic looking things width wise, but very long, some about 3cm just swimming around. You have to really look to find them, they're clinging to the outside of a couple of breeding traps at the mo :-?

  3. Hi again :)

    Tank size - it is 1200 x 500 x 450 with a hexagon at the front in the centre - half sticking out from front wall, half inside, but this has it's own undergravel filter.

    We've had it up and running about a month now and have about 30+ guppies, 7 neons, 5 mountain minnows, 1 siamese fighter, 2 golden algae eaters, 2 bristlenose cats, 1 albino cory. Heaps of room for them in there.

    Plants - they're small but growing, we have about 6 different types with about 15 plants.

    Lights - we have 2 different bulbs, one for helping plants grow and one for enhancing fish colours.

    Hope this is of some use :)

  4. Hey there,

    Got the instructions, thank you :-)

    Just trying to figure out why there's so much algae in the water, I wondered if the filter wasn't doing it's job properly... it only gets a minimal amount of direct sunlight, but in saying that it's in a very naturally lighted room. :-s

    Any ideas?

  5. Hiya,

    We've lost our instruction booklet for our filter, and have changed the tank its on. Seem to remember something about the distance between the filter and top of the tank being of importance... could anyone look this up for us????

    Thanks in advance :-) :-)

  6. Thank you very much Penejane, that's exactly what's happening to them!!!! Our babies are in with adults (males in one tank, females in the other). Would I need to treat the whole tank that they're in, just in case the adults get something off them???

  7. Just been reading some other threads... Would it have anything to do with the filter media?? We have an external filter, a Fluval 204, the media consists of the carbon and bio balls that came with it, and filter wool.

    Could the carbon be creating problems? Should I take it out? We changed it the other day when we noticed the fish weren't looking so good, I think the other one had been left in a bit long though. What happens when you don't change it often enough??

  8. Hey everyone,

    Can someone help me? Some of our guppies look a bit off colour. It's only the little ones, and only some of the little ones at that. It's only ones we've bred, so we were wondering if it's something genetic? :-?

    Their fins are all clamped and pointy looking, other than that they seem okay - eating and everything. But obviously something's not right. Water changes have been done, so don't think it's that.

    It's affecting some of the little ones in both tanks (we have boys in one, girls in the other) but like I said, so far the bigger ones are fine!

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I figure someone will likely have had a similar experience!

    Thanks in advance! :)

  9. Hey there,

    Just wondering how long the gestation is for swords??

    We had two females, but one turned into a male and now the female has the black spot mentioned in an earlier thread re pregnant swords.

    Thanks for your help! :)

  10. Thanks Willie & Joze!! That does make things a lot simpler if I pretend they're my horses!!! :lol: So we can all help each other on horse topics! hehe!

    They're okay today, I still have 3 swords, 3 neon tetras, 2 catfish, another fish (i tried to take a photo so I could post it on here to see what it is, but it didn't come out on my digi cam) and 1 last little guppy :( ...I started with 5!! :o

    I did a 15-20% water change yesterday and put in some of the Anti-Septic stuff for white spot, fin rot etc.

    I really hope they will be okay, it's hard when you can't do anything! If they were a horse I'd know what was wrong to start with, and that would really help!! And if you can't fix it, a vet likely could, but I can't imagine taking tropical fish the the vet! They'd laugh at me! Was bad enough when I took some of my pedigree budgerigars in coz they had something wrong with them! :o:)

  11. :-? this morning one of the swords has a white bit on back. The guppies never did. There is some anti fungal stuff masterpet put out in the little black bottles, same range as Cure Ex etc... I was thinking I should start this treatment in the water after I do the water change today......?

  12. the acceptable "levels" for Ammonia and Nitrite are zero, Nitrates can be zero too. Unless there are real plants in the tank as well... .maybe 5-10 ppm max (?).

    Yes that's what I meant when I said that they are all okay - ammonia 0, nitrite barely 0.1, nitrate barely 5, and yes, there are plants in there. :)

    Thank you for the suggestion, I will do a water change tomorrow and see how that goes!

  13. Hi everyone,

    Okay, yes, the heater is on, the water is 26 degrees.

    I put one of those nutrafin weekend fish food things in there because it says they can help neutralise the water.

    I have a test kit and I've tested the pH, ammonia, nitrite & nitrate levels, they are all okay. Except pH could go down a little, but I don't think its a major problem.

    I haven't done any water changes as yet.

    I am feeding them an algae tablet every 1-2 days for the catfish. Plus the odd cube of tubifex worms. And some community flakes. I was feeding them only a little bit 3 times, then I decided that was too much, so dropped to twice.

    Not an expensive filter, it has the cotton wool floss type stuff in it, no carbon, apparently there's not enough fish to need it??

    I've been using the Nutrafin Cycle stuff once a week like it suggests too.

    Tank size its about 50-60ltr I think, its 60cm long, 31cm wide, 30cm deep.

  14. Hey everyone!

    Well I'm quite new to the whole fish thing - I have horses & birds... not tropical fish!!! BUT my boyfriend decided to go on holiday and leave me with his fish for 4 weeks! :o:(

    I've read all I can about them, and am looking after them as well as possible, but I have a problem... all the guppies are dying. First they loose all their colour, then they disappear completely... I think they're dying and being eaten by the other fish. :(

    The other fish in there are 4 neon tetras, one other tetra type looking fish we haven't identified, 3 female swords, 2 catfish and a loach.

    Also I had a mailed catfish, but he died this morning :cry:

    What a disaster. Has anyone please got any suggestions?? I have checked the pH, it's about 7.3, could be lower obviously, but I don't know how to lower it. There is a limestone rock in there, but it's not lowered it at all, and they were fine in there for a while. I also checked the nitrite level, it's about 0.1, so that's not too bad. I'm going to do a part water change and see how that goes, but I don't want to change too much at a time because our water is very alkaline and it'll put the pH up too much.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!! :)

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