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Posts posted by Anthony

  1. And have to throw another fun one in. Not quite as extreme though!

    Have seen a skier doing this on Ruapehu:

    was up at whakapapa a week or 2 ago and there was 2 guys doing this out to the west wing.

    looked so much fun.

    wonder if itd work on my snow board :D

  2. what!

    of course these mustelids kill our native birds

    theres no argument about this. its common knowledge. they kill the birds not just the eggs

    Ferrets were introduced to New Zealand from Europe in the 1880s, along with stoats and weasels, to control rabbits that were breeding out of control. By 1900, ferrets were well established in the wild and definitely played a role in the decline of native birds like the kiwi, weka and blue duck, and the extinction of kakapo on the mainland. Kakapo are now only found on mustelid-free islands.

    In the 1980s, at least 17 ferret farms were established in Northland. When these closed down due to a downturn in the market, many ferrets escaped or were set free, contributing to the expansion of ferrets northwards into some of New Zealand's remaining prime kiwi habitat.

    In addition to New Zealand's wild populations, ferrets are kept as domestic pets and farmed for export markets in Asia.

  3. awwww....

    that ferret is adorable!!!! look at that cute face.

    u killed it? :o:(:(

    but im sorry to hear about all the stuff it killed.. v v sad. :(:(

    guess it shouldn't have killed your stuff.

    How can you say that when they are such a pest?

    Thats like saying possums are cute

    But i guess possums don't kill our iconic animal of this country

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