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Everything posted by Maxy

  1. I'm in the process of setting up my four footer and will be transferring everything from my current tank to the new tank. Could anyone tell me a good filter to run in tandem with my current eheim 2217? The new tank is 350 litres. I was hoping not to spend too much on the secondary filter, just wanted it as a back up and a little extra filtration. I have found an Aqua One CF1000 on t.m, but no nothing about filters other than the eheims. Thanks
  2. We will go ahead with advertising etc, just thought if we could get the forum members who have expressed interest earlier organised for the inaugural meeting first, then Penejane and I wouldnt be the only ones there! And as Penejane said, Ive been away with a family bereavement and thought a bit of momentum may have gathered over that period via the forum posts, but Im back now and keen to get underway!
  3. Hi Peanuts, and welcome to the fishroom. Its a great site with loads of info and heaps of awesome people willing to help. There is also a great chatroom that usually kicks off at around 9pm most nights. Join in, its always good for a laugh!
  4. I was wondering if anyone had a tried and true recipe for home made fertiliser? There are some great products on the market, but costly, and I dont want it spread all thru my tank and messy, so I was thinking about a liquid fert or liquid componets mixed with solids then frozen in ice cube trays for easy insertion under the subtrate around the plants? Any ideas?
  5. I have spoken to Liz McAskill at East Road Pets tonight regarding the formation of a southern fishkeepers club. Liz used to help out with the previous club a few years ago by providing a venue, practical knowledge, researched information and time. She has very generously offered to help out again if we are to form a local club. She has agreed to display advertising at her premises and take relevant details from all interested fishkeepers. If we can gauge enough interest, then we can go ahead! I will speak to Caryl regarding affiliation requirements for the club, and sort up some posters etc to display at East Road Pets and possibly local freebie newspapers. This is a very kind offer from Liz and one I hope that other southlanders will get behind and take advantage of. THIS IS OUR CHANCE TO START A MUCH NEEDED CLUB, SO C'MON SOUTHLANDERS SPEAK UP!!!!
  6. I was doing 10% daily for about two weeks then did a tank overhaul and things improved vastly, hence my frustration tonight. Ammonia hasnt been zero yet, but sat just above 0.6 after the overhaul. The plants are quite thick at the back and perfect for hiding a dead fish. Everyone seems happy enough, maybe he wasnt a very popular fish and they plotted against him?! Anyway will test again tomorrow and let you all know.
  7. I have just tested my tank water to find that ammonia is back up to 2.4, nitrite is 0.1 and nitrate is 5. These are all Hagen test kits. Did my weekly 25% water change on friday, new plants are growing well and filter running fine. I found a dead fish at the back of the tank, could this be a possible reason?
  8. Sounds good, just PM me when you're ready
  9. Thanks Mrskz but no thanks! I'm still recovering from my overstocked tank and ammonia issues, plus I have expecting mother guppies too so no dobt I'll have your problem eventually! Are you interested in a couple of keyholes? And did you find any local plant growers?
  10. If you are lookingfor some keyhole cichlids, east road pets had a few a couple of weeks ago, not sure if they still do, but if you are keen on some and they are out of stock maybe we could do a trade or something and you could have my two? They nibble my ambulia but havent uprooted anything and are very peaceful in my community tank. Just a thought...
  11. Hi Caper, don't stress! Go and sit down and watch your nice, calming, relaxing fish for a while and everything will be fine. Your fish will be fine while your away, even if they don't get fed, they will have your tank spotless by the time you get home! Hope everything goes well for your friends surgery.
  12. Have just PM Chrissy re details, lets hope we can get something going down here! Any southern potential members - SPEAK UP!! Thanks for the ideas Caryl, hopefully we get the chance to use them!
  13. Maxy


    Maybe someone local in the forums would like to buy some of your fish Chakuna? Then when your tank is up and running smoothly, you could look at some other fish to put in it
  14. Maxy


    Hi Chukuna, from the problems I've had recently, I think you may suffer the same. If you have too many fish and the tank isnt cycled properly and completely, then your fish start to die. Its really awful. Read some of the other posts here and ask questions about "cycling" if you don't quite understand, I didn't! You may end up with an ammonia problem when all those fish start peeing in your tank and the good bugs aren't quite ready to clear it out of the water. What sort of filter have you got? The experts here will be able to advise you what to do, so don't be afraid to ask LOTS of questions, they are really friendly. Good Luck
  15. Hi MRSkz, and welcome. I'm quite new to the site and the hobby. I'm from Gore so not too far away. And yes its cold down here but its a lovely place to be as well! Welcome to the southern contingent. We are very small at the moment, just a few that I know of and they are all from invers. Hope everything goes well with your tank
  16. Maxy

    High Amonia

    Hi dee_jay, I have just had the same problem, see posts Beginners Corner, and everyone was very helpful. I was sold ammolock also when I bought my tank and was told to use it. It doesnt give you a true result when you test for ammonia, and I found it raised my ammonia levels even higher. I have since ditched it and taken the advice here and my ammonia is dropping significantly. As everyone will tell you, the less chemicals you add the more like their natural environment your tank becomes. Cheaper too! Good luck
  17. Maxy


    Thanks everyone. Ammonia was 4.6 Shelley! I know, thru the roof. I would like to let everyone know that its now between 0 and just under 1, so its on its way down. Im stoked. Its still got to lower more but now I feel more confident in what Im doing. Have dumped my u/g filter and had a GOOD gravel clean to remove the muck under the filter plate, have dumped the properpH7 as I didnt find it reducing my pH at all and was very expensive, am sticking to my water changes, have culled some undesirables and added more plants. Now, all that goes in my water is: flourish excel, stresscoat and stresszyme. My fish are happier and so am I. Thanks people
  18. Thanks ormali, great advice and exactly what I was looking for. Have a couple of ploy boxes here that I've bought fish home in and now I'm pleased I didnt throw them out. They will have to be courierd to Auckland so I guess I just plaster the outside of the box: LIVE FISH, HANDLE WITH CARE etc? I know they can be rough. Wheat bag will do the trick just fine. Thanks
  19. I have a few offers on destocking my tank and was wondering how to ship the fish in question. They are small fish. Do I need to put O2 in the bags? How do I regulate the temp in transit? They are going from Gore to Auckland
  20. Maxy


    As my ongoing saga continues...! I did a 50% water change last night, dumped the u/g filter as am totally unimpressed with it, and found an amazing amount of gunk underneath it. My new plants arrived yesterday and I'm thinking they will do better without the u/g. My question is: my tap water pH is 7.4, and upon advice from LFS, I have always used proper pH7 to neutralise this to 7, but pH tests have never been 7. Is my natural pH safe for a community tank, and if not, how can I alter it without it costing $20+ for a small jar of chem? I have read that this chem isnt to be used with live plants, which I need to help alleviate the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate issue. Any suggestions? P.s would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their help and great advice, my fish seem happier and so am I! I'm not giving up.
  21. Very cool fish! I havent heard of them before, we don't get many exotics down here. What size do they grow to? P.s what sort of camera do you have please beachy, I think I need to invest in one, and that takes great pictures
  22. Can you use glass cleaning spray on the outside of the tank?
  23. One dead neon upon arrival home tonight, but he had been attacked not slaughtered by his useless keeper. Have just tested ammonia again after another ten percent water change and its still miles away from zero. Havent added any ammolock as I dont like it and snowman is right, its better to fix the water naturally than chemically. Have added a couple of big airstones tonight to help aerate the water, whether this will help or not? Have put the bumblee gobys in the trade section where hopefully someone can give them a better home than me.
  24. Maxy


    Cant set up the new tank yet, and now not sure if I want to set it up at all. Have put a post in freshwater asking if anyone wants some fish etc, and have a couple of offers. Will edit the post to include my clown and bumblebees etc and see what happens. Am sorry to bother everyone with my inexperience but at least I am learning albeit the hard way. I dont think I'll ever listen to a fish shop employee again
  25. Thanks people, good idea. I may have someone keen to take some fish permanently so that will help alot. Will think about your more than generous offer Raven, thank you so much. Good old southern hospitality eh! And an extra thank you to Snowman. Let you all know as soon as I formulate a plan, (thats assuming I get home from work to a tankful of NOT DEAD fish!)
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