I’m after any gold barbs in Wellington that aren’t babies. I find the babies too aggressive. I lost a barb due to bullying recently and I’m looking to replace her with 2 more if possible.
Hi. I need to change my filter pads in my Aqua One Aquis 1200 filter. The person I inherited the tank off was using cotton wool but I have don’t think this is the best thing to use so I have bought some Tankmaid pads that I would like to swap in.
What is best practice for doing this? I’ve had a lot of conflicting information and would like to avoid crashing my cycle.
I have a brown Bristlenose who’s probably just over a year old, about as long as a thumb. Possibly male but I do not know as I inherited the tank. I would like to give him a new home as he does not get along with my gold barbs.