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steve slack

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Everything posted by steve slack

  1. yea this is kind of wat i was thinking about but im worried about the high cost of epoxy , and was looking for an alternative. i found that some people have used some sort of 'pond paint' and was wondering if it is avalible in nz also if i could find such a product , would silicone bond to it cheers
  2. also im wondering if we can get any of the pond paints that you can get overseas, you no to paint on and seal a pond?and where to get it from cheers
  3. hey why would adding fish be asking for trouble? they could probably look after themselves in a planted tank with all the algae for food
  4. hi and welcome to the site bluetom i hope you find the site really usefull
  5. congratulations on creating such an awesome tank it looks wicked and really natural
  6. hi there chim chim welcome to the site
  7. hi peanuts and welcome to the site
  8. ok i guessed it woul work but just wanted to check it would be ok indoors. will it still be ok with quite intense lighting? cheers
  9. hi there blue and kim welcome to the site
  10. hello and welcome to the site
  11. its looking awesome shae looking foward to more pics
  12. hey im thinking of trying to build a small indoor pond type thing and was wondering would it be ok 2 use one of those black plastic pond liners?i will just be experimenting making a small one say 4-5 foot to see if it will work cheers
  13. diverjohn where is this place selling lights cheap? cheers
  14. yea id go with corydoras cats , a school of danios would look good maybe afew platies.the kribs should be alrite but may eat the baby guppies
  15. were you thinkin of havin any type of filtration?for current as some plants require a bit of current you could get some cascading tanks made up for this
  16. wow congrats looks like a massive amount of fry
  17. why not add a few fish?just afew livebearers or danios. free fert
  18. id be interested in the plant trade/exchange idea as soon as the plants in my tanks really take hold
  19. just wait a while and they will breed for you guppies and platies are among the easiest fish to breed
  20. hey it all depends on the size of the tank. how big is your tank? cheers
  21. hi there MRSkz welcome to the site cheers
  22. you could get alarge air pump and use air operated filters: sponge , box or u/g
  23. steve slack


    hi greg welcome to the site im sure you will find plenty of great info here good luck with the new tank
  24. i would also love some riccia when you have some spare cheers
  25. steve slack


    you can set up a basic co2 unit using the yeast method do a search on google for more info
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