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Everything posted by nor_wester

  1. Hey Scalare, I know of one in St Albans, but only by going there. I can try and find out for you if ya want?
  2. nor_wester

    Albino Cats

    Can anyone give some info....I've had tropical fish for years, and never had catfish lay eggs, (well haven't seen any before) in a community tank. Don't even know if it's a m / f i have. So do i leave them alone, or try to do something with them? :-?
  3. Cheers People, I'll let you know how I get on...I hope to get some pics of my new tank up soon
  4. Hi Folks... I'm looking, after some suggestions on suitable floating plants to put into my 1200mm (community based)Tropical tank. Have checked around the shops here in Christchurch, but haven't had any real luck. All suggestion greatfully recieved. (I don't mind paying to have them sent to me from out of town)
  5. Hey thanks, All you guys & gals out there in fish land, I'll check out all those leads..
  6. Can anyone help me out in regards to getting fish sent from the North Island to Sth Island. Never done it before, so dont know exactly where to start. :-?
  7. nor_wester


    Hi everyone....my kids want an Axolotl (absolutely UGLY things if you ask me...however)....any suggestions on tank size, set-up, food...etc. Never had one before so much input would be appreciated
  8. Yes she does. Do you know something I should?
  9. I am getting my sea horses from a lady that works in a local pet shop and now has to many. She is selling them to me with the complete set-up. I'm keeping them on the cooler side of the house (our bedroom) and the lady said that she just puts cooled water in her tank to manage the temp. Does this sound right? I have seen a few of you mention cooler units, but she didnt mention this when we were talking about the set-up...is this something I should be weary of. I will be hearing from her again on Friday, so please give me an idea of appropriate questions I should be asking her. Thanks for your help thus far....and I look forward to 'picking your brains' further.
  10. Hi all. I am just about to buy my FIRST sea horses and tank set up etc. I am purchasing them ( a girl and boy couple) off a reliable sourse so I have no worries there, but I would be interested in any advice any of you may have to help me keep my new found friends happy and well.
  11. Thanks for all the answers people... If i'm to go with the single tube option, should I use a particular tube..i.e growing or colour?? :-?
  12. Cheers Wok, Hollywood Fish were always pretty good when I lived up there as well. I'll give them a bell & see how I go. :lol:
  13. Thanks Dan, Yeah I guess I should have put all the dimensions.... :oops: 1220x455x600 It's strange how many different comments or ideas you get from retailers, i guess they are out to make as much as they can... :evil: Some say one tube is fine, others take you to a $1200.00 light as say this is perfect for what you need...yeah right get a life, my car ain't even worhth that much. So it seems like a twin tube is what it's gunna have to be. I'm so far out of touch with all this, will it pay to use different tubes? There seems to be so many listed now. Cheers Lindsay R
  14. nor_wester


    A question for you fine folk in fish tank land. :-? Is it important to have a double tubed light over my tropical tank, or can I get away with a single tube, providing i use the right one? The tank is 1200 long if thats any help.
  15. Thanks Folks for the welcome & the information. I'm going to be running undergrav's as well, so I guess it may come down too how much room I havearound the tank. im looking at a new Atlas 800F on the net, but I'm waiting to be emailed some more info about it. Has anyone here had any dealing with this make. Would really like to hear, Cheers :lol:
  16. I haven't owned a large tropical before, so I'm a little unsure what may be best here. My tank is 1220x620x455 and I want to make sure I get it right 1st time. I'm open to any suggestions & help :-?
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