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Everything posted by RoninBoxers

  1. Heya Phillz, Love the finnage on your boy! I feel inspired to get some photos of my guys! Helene
  2. If all your water is ok, maybe the babies aren't getting enough of the food you're feeding. I keep mine in a breeding net so they are near the food at the top. Then there's the opposite thing (and forgive me if this is obvious!) sometimes people keep their babies in plastic breeding traps and there is so little water in there that it goes "off" very quickly. Like keeping the babies in a jar. Not good. Good luck! Helene
  3. Greetings All! Back with another question :oops: I've decided my tank needs moonlighting (more for my fun than the fish!) I've looked at LED moonlights and Cold cathode. I'm considering CC because it has less of a tendancy to spotlight. NEway, my question is this. Would the light from a 12" cathode diffuse sufficiently through a 30" tank? I don't really want to shell out on 2 Basically I just don't want a harsh difference between the dark and light areas in the tank when its on. Don't mind dark corners, fish would probably like that. Thanks! Helene
  4. Well, I went to rexell. I talked to the guys there to see what they had. i really only want add one since what I already have is fine. The hood is also setup with a reflector already. The big light fitting thing they brought out was a little over the top size wise, it was nearly 90mm deep! Not quite the fit I'd like in the tank hood. Also I'm not prepared to even attempt wiring, 240 v is just tooooo risky for me! (Also was about $80 all up for a 59cm with no bulb!) I'm still hoping for a very efficient solution with just the end caps in the hood and a little box outside. I may end up ordering an Arcadia controller since that seems ok. Also, you'll be pleased to know I picked up an RCD, what an excellent suggestion. (I knew I wanted something... just not sure what.) Thanks!
  5. Well, you can't cull them until they are getting big enough to assess. Size, fin shape & quality, colour etc. BTW cull doesn't necessarily mean PTS, it can mean sell, rehome etc.
  6. Thats impressive growth! I guess it must be possible. I have week olds that are about 12-15mm I'll be wrapped if they grow as fast as yours shae!! Personally I want them to grow fast so I can start to cull!!!! I've got over 40.
  7. That chasing & nipping means they're gambusia for sure!!! They are AGRO little fish.
  8. Nope :-( But I could always start looking. Not to aska stupid question, but what do I tell them I'm trying to buy? (I imagine "aquarium light" may draw a blank!)
  9. Thanks to all the info on this site I've successfully changed my flouro bulb to something more suitable. Was pleased how painless (and cheap!) this was. Now my question is that I want to add a second light. My tank has a big hood right over the top so I can just easily screw in another one. Problem is I don't know where to buy one, everywhere seems to have complete light hoods for sale. I have an arcadia fluro lighting controller which is quite satisfactory and would like something similar. (If you haven't seen one of these its a ballast thingi, and wires onto to end caps.) Simple and easy to put in. I've read a lot of stuff on DIY'ing these but I have no interest in attempting to wire it, so some cheap ready made thing would be perfect. BTW it would need to be suitable for a 59cm bulb and around 18 watts. Thanks!!! Helene
  10. Hi All! Yes, sorry about the very vague description!! After quite a bit more inspection and surfing, I believe it is a 2213. I figured these would be some stupid questions to ask, but I've never seen one of these in use before and really wasn't sure where to stick all the pipes. The sites on the net tell you where to buy, how much & thats it! I'm guessing that it has one with water going in and one out of the tank? Just below the waterline? The people I got it from said I need to fill it with water before turning it on. Do I do that by sticking the hose on the tap? Any help welcome, thanks for taking the time to reply! Helene
  11. I have just aquired a second hand filter with a tank I bought. Ultimately I would prefer all new filters, but I am not one to let things go to waste. I would like to know what steps to take to prepare it for use and basically sterilize it. Its a huge Ehiem filter that sits in the tank stand. Still trying to find a model number on it. Also a little advice on installing it would be cool since I dont have instructions (and I'm very much a read-the-instrauctions kinda girl. Thanks in advance!!
  12. Would be great to get some detailed info on where to harvest :-)
  13. Thanks for that! I had somehow imagined them sucking sand through the substrate :oops: which I thought crazy! I'm now decided on a filter! I think I better calculate the exact volume of the tank Thanks! Helene
  14. Cool! I really just needed some more input. I worry a little that a cold snap will kill them (though we're fairly sheltered) I've been told it will... But can't resist trying!! (mean aye...) We've had Rosy barbs and golden barbs in ponds and they love it. Goldens are more hardy, Rosy barbs suffer a bit when it really gets cooler. One horrible fish that loves ponds is Buenos Aires tetras. Those things are like pirahnas!!!!
  15. Hi All! I'm trying to do quite a bit of reading before deciding on a filter for my new tank (around 100L) I want to have a lot of plants and a pack small fish. Presently I'm thinking about a cannister (had thought about a UGF but read they aren't great with plants) now I've read about a Fluidized bed filter. Reviews rate them highly and say they are good in planted tanks. I've read a lot about them but haven't seen a diagram and can't quite figure how they work?? :oops: Anyone used one or have thoughts on them? Thanks! Helene
  16. hi All! Has anyone here summered guppies outside? Ive been wondering about trying some outside now we are coming to the hottest months? Thought I might pop a few babies in a net in a pond to see if they will grow on... Considering getting a remote thermometer to measure temps over a few days. This is in hawkesbay. Haven't dropped under 20 for a while!! But have been over 30... Thoughts? Cheers Helene
  17. Skuzza - How many tanks / heated litres is that? Helene
  18. Hokitika can be a day trip? How many hours from Nelson would it be? What conditions make it so good for driftwood? Are other places on the west coast good too? I love the colour of the wood in the photos. I'm only in the south island for about a week then heading up North... (so don't know that you'd be able to fit a trip in??) I've been schemeing to see if I can make the trip over before going.
  19. I'm embarrassed to say I had to look on a map to work out exactly where Hokitika is! What a pain, I was in Westport on saturday and never even had a driftwood thought grrrr. The colour & burrs in that wood you got is lovely. Hokitika is a long way from anywhere! Not a fun trip by yourself
  20. Hi All! Well, thought I'd update you on what I've learnt so far (now I know what to look for!) firstly here is a site on the centameter, I had to go read what it was :-) Not what I'm looking for and it also doesn't do cumulative readings. http://www.centameter.co.nz/index.php This site describes what I'm probably going to go for (plus interesting power usage stats!) http://www.pmb.co.nz/power_usage.htm There are nice compact devices like this available in the US (cheap!!) but I have to work out if they can be used here with the conversion stuff. There is also a kitset available at DSE for about $150, its pretty big and ugly compared to the others but seems to have advanced features for handling brownouts and such. Will keep you posted :-) Helene
  21. that sounds perfect! I want to be able to leave it on for a week or more and then do an average... Now I know what to look for that will definitely help. Also thanks for mentioning Jaycar! I wanted to check there but couldn't think of the name. :oops: Cheers Helene
  22. Hi all! I'm wondering if there is a way to measure the power consumption on a tank setup? Perhaps something to plug between the wall & power board? I've had a cursory look on the DSE website, but wasn't sure what to look for? (A wattage meter?) Thanks! Helene
  23. Hi Caryl! Just wondering where you pick up your drift wood? Be nice to just find some that doesnt leak tanin. Know any nice spots to hunt the stuff round Nelson? Cheers, Helene
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