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Everything posted by diyer

  1. diyer

    Office Aquarium

  2. diyer

    Office Aquarium

    Just snails and few shrimps
  3. I start it by putting siphon in the water so air go out. Then I close shorter output with my thumb and so install it in the proper position. Filter must be filled with water. When I do waterchange the water level in the filter is never lower than the end of the pipe and I do not have to repeat this process, just add water. Here is a similar system, only bigger and it is not hang-on This tube is 8 cm wide and I have to shut it with a piece of the nylon bag.
  4. I don't know why I did it but I did it Glass 4mm, dimensions 25x20x8 cm. Picks will be enough
  5. diyer

    One of my

    I gave them to my fried. Those two discus didn't have proper care in my tank as they didn't have it at previous owner. For two years of life they have increased only 10 cm. Now, these two stunted fish live with platies, and I believe that they should be happy because they are still alive.
  6. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c3PKd-eoPaA
  7. diyer

    Office Aquarium

    Colleagues did not have the patience, so I just moved in my young breeding pair with water and filter from their old tank. Angelfish doing fine but there is no enough space for them. I'm going to replace them with some fancy guppies, as soon as possible. There are snails : Malesian trumpet, Ramshorn and Theodoxus danubialis (Serbian native, neritas cousin). Plants: crypts (w green and pontederifolie), pogostemon octopus, echinodorus (for eggs), some higrophila and valisneria. Last one will be replaced with small wood with anubias. That way filter and heater will be hidden. Sagittaria subulata will be planted next week.
  8. diyer

    Office Aquarium

    Thanks gligor. I like this kind of stones, too. Looks natural. I was thinking ...The aquarium will be without feeding and light on weekends... So, which fish to choose ? Any suggestions would be helpful.
  9. You could get him a tank mate but I think your tank is too small for tetras. I had 3 kuhli loach with my betta in 23 litre nano, they were not shy as usually. On the contrary, they were playful all the time.
  10. Hi to all. This is a small tank, I originally made for my friend, but plan is changed and it will be settled in my office. It should be low tech and low maintenance tank with some hardy fish and plants. It will be planted with pogostemon octopus, crypts, valisneria spiralis, anubia pettit and sagittaria subulata. Here is beginning and here is some playing in the sand :-) before I take it to the office
  11. Rear side is 10 cm lower because of hang-on or external glass filter with overflow. We are going to start it with sponge filter, but who knows. Another reason is the possible overheating. Cfl bulb is an option. The light shines on the wall behind but it could be fixed with piece of plastic.
  12. Here is the tank I made for my friend. His firsrt tank It should be low tech and low maintance aquarium with some simple hardscape, guppies, platies or so, anubias, crypts... You know, some kind of introductory tank. Tank is 61 cm long, 25 cm wide and 40 cm tall. Water surface is on 29 cm. Light is one 14 W 6500 K T5 bulb. I will not bother you with well-known method of making glass tank. Few pics:
  13. diyer

    One of my

    Thanks gligor
  14. I just waited at least two replies, thank you both. Work in a public aquarium is not an option because I dive like an ax and I don't have necessary qualifications. I was thinking on retailing/sales assistant but, honestly, my English is not the best ( IELTS General 6.5) The majority of members here have a branded tanks or they just made their own. My tanks building skill is not usefull, too. I found two ads on the most popular site for advertising in NZ and I applied. Will apply with a company that has an ad on its own website,too, but I do not think it will be considered at all. As aquaristics as business is concerned, situation in NZ is similar as it is in Serbia: money is not a problem because there is no money. Just passion.
  15. Hi to all, Because my original plan to move to New Zealand failed, I wonder whether it is possible to find an aquarist job in New Zealand and whether it is possible to live from that kind of job. I would like to hear your opinions and experiences. Every information would be helpful.
  16. diyer

    One of my

    Here we are Pay no attention to algae Photos are desperate but it is the best of my ZTE
  17. diyer

    One of my

    Thanks JJW After first 24 hours, 1/3 eggs became white. Parents removed other eggs on the other plant. Now there are 50-100 tiny fish sticked on the leaf and glass. Female moves them all the time. I bought sera artemia mix . It is going to be live in 48 hours
  18. diyer

    One of my

    ...and this evening Now, we are waiting
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