Hi, After a break of about 12 years, the fish-keeping bug has bitten again, and I have persuaded my partner that a small tank would look just lovely in the lounge. Not to mention the extra 2 (at least) in the garage for rearing fry of course . I used to keep Angels and Keyhole Cichlids back when I lived in Nelson (where I lived the water came out of the tap at a handy pH6.4), and a whole bunch of goldfish (bred to look as close to the Koi colours and patterns as I could get) in ponds in the yard.
So now I am getting into guppies, partly because they are such delightful little creatures, and partly because I have a life-long interest in colour-breeding of all sort of critters (starting at 12 with coloured mice, and working my way through goldfish, guinea pigs, cats, sheep and various other livestock over the last erm.. few.. years) I am really looking forward to watching the progress of my guppy line, and learning about their colour genetics.
Just call me a Genie!