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Everything posted by bandit

  1. Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:06 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But make sure they are well siliconed together or they might topple and break a fish! lol Cheers Jude hmm yeah good idea if you never ever want to catch your fishes again in my tank i just placed the and tried to knock them down if they stayed i went to the next layer that way i can remove the rockery if i need to shift the tank etc
  2. and that is a very nice panda red of better quality than the ones that were imported here and the pics clearly show that they are in fact a red tailed gold
  3. the arrows at jansens are neither reds nor golds and the breeder isnt liable cause i suggest you go and read what they are being sold as the are red pandas and gold pandas and if you go to the panda aquiriums website you will see that the red panda is in fact a red tailed gold and not a true red at all and the gold is a cross that has been named as a gold panda as for genuine reds in nz i have no idea if there are any at all
  4. to much light ive never heard of that problem before
  5. bandit


    yeah the monos would end up a tasty treat eventually personally i love the tigers and would setup another tank for them
  6. Oh yeah im aware that they will most likely be set at slightly different temperatures. but it would bring the temperature difference between the 2 ends of the tank closer which after all was the object of the exercise
  7. bandit


    do you have any problems with the ninja stars puncturing your tanks ?????
  8. yeah but they will both shut of at close to the same temperature
  9. 2 heaters are allways better than 1 keeps things going in case of a failure as for uneven temperatures i agree with alan
  10. bandit

    Hi everyone!

    hi donna nice size first tank a bigger tank is easier to keep
  11. bandit

    Mbuna setup

    i got a 75 gal tall (2ft x 2ft x 2.5ft tall ) and thay love it i have about 40 mubuna in there (offset by large amounts of filteration and airation) i am running a fluval 304 and a fluval 404 into this tank which is 3 times the recommended ltr pr hour turn over for this volume of water but they love it and are breeding happily and contently my breeding is done in seperate small breeder tanks and cause of the amunt in my display tank not many fry survive for cross breeding to be a major problem i have the tank full from top to bottom with rock and corol (takes care of the higher ph requirements of these beuties) which protudes about half the depth aswell the scraps are taken care of by a mystus cat (not the ideal conditions for it i know) but he does a lovely job the 303 has an airation tip that mixes alot of air into the tank and i have alot of airtablets handy in case of power failure
  12. i was a grandad at 32 but that was by default with stepkids
  13. bandit


    nice answer ira the only thing i want to add to that is dont plan a niclely planted tank for them mine even eat the java fern
  14. well having no experiance what so ever in saltys i shouldnt reply here but impulse buying is catastrophic in both generes of fish keeping so i guess the rules are the same KNOW WHAT IT IS BEFORE ITS YOURS
  15. if thats the most discusting thing you have done you havent lived my friend
  16. ah lunacy at its best no wonder i feel at home
  17. i have had fish since i was a nipper 5 or 6 i think but then i somehow managed to ween myself of them and after 6 yrs i was cured then the step son moved back home with his tank and it stayed when he moved back out and it was decided that a nice tank and stand for them was a better option than a tank taking up the dinning room table .And well we got an offer on a couple of 75 gal tall tank and stand setups that we would have been mad to refuse and 2 yrs of visiting every lfs in auckland every weekend that was spare has left me with not onle mts but a desire for 1 or 2 more tanks I have the room for them honest i do
  18. ok as soon as i get a chance to take a water sample to kim ill let you know my water conditions they are a very hardy fish and a exact match of conditions is probly a little overkill
  19. i had a terrible outbreak off bba in my chiclid tank and a initiall dose of twice the labelled amount of flourish excell and then a dose every 3 days had it without a trace of the ugly stuff to be seen my wife did comment on the lovely reds the bba went as it was dying as well
  20. lmao no she doesnt want me out atleast i dont think she wants me out i hope she doesnt want me out oh crap look what you started
  21. on my planted tank i never shove the vacum into the gravel this will only damage the roots of my plants and remove the nutrients i spend so much on trying to get in there. i basically hold the syphon about 15 mm's of the gravel and suck up any loose material that it picks up . and i must be lazy cause i only do monthly water changes
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