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Everything posted by Frankenfish

  1. While I decide what to do with my tank I need to move on a large amount of guppies. Does anyone in Auckland want some. 3 females and a fancy male for $5 seems reasonable
  2. Hi. Did these fish find a new home? If not I could place them along with the bristlenose. cheers, Graeme 021 530657
  3. Hi. If its still available, I have been looking for some extra tank mates for my Mums aquariums- she has about 6 on the go but mostly just guppies, and would like some better variety If you wanted some free fish in return I have some albino catfish young who are about big enough to be rehomed, plus heaps of guppies Cheers Graeme
  4. I finally gave in to family member wishes to get a GKF, and its a biggie at 30cm. I have a tank large enough at 1.5M for it, but most of its current inhabitants are on the smaller side. I have removed all guppies and emerald eyes, but what is the smallest fish I might get away with keeping in, or what species? Of the remaining smaller mid tank fish I have harlequin raspboras, Platies & lemon tetras. It also has Bolivian and blue Rams, sterbai and Julii Corys and some bristlenose as well as some larger Rainbows. Based on any advice I will do further musical fish moves before the beast got introduced. I see conflicting thoughts, some saying GFK are fairly timid and friendly, and some that say they tend to eat other fish eyes given the chance. Are there any other pearls of wisdom on GKF? I know they are fussy about water quality. If it needs to be in a tank by itself what would be the minimum size.
  5. It has taken some months to acquire and bodge enough for the tank to be operational, but here is end result, though fish stocking is still being played with. Thanks to Adrienne, Liam& Sam for various fish or other things bought.I am not much cop with photo uploads so if it doesn't work first time I'll keep trying http://s1360.photobucket.com/user/gbalston/slideshow/
  6. Morning all. I'd like to figure out what might be wiping out guppies and glowlights but leaving Black neons unaffected. During the process of setting up my first large tank (separate link about to be put up with the final results) and collecting fish along the way, I had a collection of fish plonked together in a mixture of tanks. (some very new to me via trademe). One of the tanks was at my old Mums, whose eyesight isn't the best, but when I checked there were a number of corpses, her guppies initially, and then my glowlights. Immediate assumption was ammonia as a test showed maybe 1ppm, though the ammo alert dial was always showing as Ok (I have my doubts about those things). Anyway, all fish immediately moved to another tank, good water and all testing OK, but most of the glowlights continued to perish over the next couple of days, plus a platy, but the black neons so far seem unaffected, (though I have slight suspicions about one). It came on really suddenly, and they are all QTD at the moment under observation Some of symptoms seem to resemble Neon tetra disease, doing the google thing- colour loss, inability to swim properly, or ending up swimming upsidedown/sideways, but I haven't noticed any wasting first. I do have a video, but not sure how I would upload as yet. Does anyone know how long it takes from infection to corpse in NTD, if that's what it is. I will also probably be too scared to put anything back in the main tank even if they stay looking healthy, but is there a time after which it would in theory be safe..3 months is what I have in my head. Update- Black Neons are finally succumbing-doing the swimming at with head elevated thing. Still have 4 glowlights alive and flipping Thanks
  7. Hi. I am moving a large tank tomorrow onto a new cabinet and don't want to lose the existing water as it is now fully cycled, so wondered about keeping 100L or so in a new storage container (one of those ones with a lid and wheels) that you can get from the warehouse. Is it likely that any thing in the plastic could contaminate if I give it a good washout first do you reckon? it would only be for 24 hours at most. cheers
  8. thanks. It came along with a bunch of other stuff including a nutrafin co2 natural plant system, so I am guessing they must run together then. I'll see what google will tell me (no instructions for any of it). Even if I don't get brave enough to use it with fish I can always set up a plant only tank and experiment
  9. Hi. Among all the bulk trademe stuff acquired over the last year is this. Guess it must be for Co2 but interested to know the manufacturer, so I can try and find some instructions. I have always been too chicken to try anything like this in case it upsets the tank balance, but I really want to get some good plant growth too. Thanks http://s1360.photobucket.com/user/gbalston/media/co2_hdr_zps7afec7d2.jpg.html
  10. thanks for the tip, now corrected. I shall try your net suggestion, and hopefully in the next few days begin my 1.5M tank setup, seeing as cichlidman has helped me source a stand for it. Now I just have to think of the way I want it to look. I have some ideas but will be taking some snaps of different options while cycling before I really decide. 370L should give me (and the fish) a little more wiggleroom for variety
  11. (and before anyone spots it, I have no idea how I turned catfish into catchfish in subject line
  12. We have some peppered corys who have been laying eggs repeatedly for a while, but we never seemed to have much luck getting to hatch. To our surprise we found 2 not insignificant youngsters the other day. Most eggs just get mould on (the ones the Oto's don't eat), and we don't have a UV steriliser seeing as they like the algae, so what might we do to help further hatchings? Moving eggs to other empty tanks using anti fungal medication etc never seemed to help. It would be great to get some more, so all advice welcome. We have new eggs today, though many are already Oto dinner. Thanks
  13. It seemed to settle eventually, though one good outcome seemed to be a lot of eggs being laid. We had given up trying to get them to hatch (always seemed to just go mouldy) but tonight we discovered 2 quite large peppered Cory young :bggrn:
  14. Hi. I am really new to the fish tank fun, but after a long while of very stable tank, we seemed to get some ammonia spiking. Anyway, after a long while of far too frequent water changes with no seeming improvement, I tried the Seachem ammonia alert in tank sensor, which only alerts for free, not bound ammonia. If using one of the test kits that shows all ammonia, safe or not, you might like to try one of those instead (just don't go to Animates, as they are about $8 more than elsewhere). Cheers, Graeme
  15. thanks. I'll give the benefit of the doubt then. At least my fish set up is nicer and safe...now, if only I could get my new 1.5M tank on something, instead of our back deck in limbo
  16. having read some of the electrical safety threads on the site, I have just got some electrical work done, including an RCD for the tank power supply, and a reset trip switch on the main board, but now the invoice has arrived am surprised to have been separately charged $20+gst for the issue of the safety certificate (total time on job was less than the 2 hour voucher purchased). Seeing as they seem to by law provide the certificate when job is done it just seems a bit steep. ( I assume I will only be given the certificate when I settle the invoice just received.Is this just usual practise? Cheers
  17. thanks. Yes, it must be a Grande, and looks like the Hollywood fishfarm link I just found http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/deta ... et/m/2837/ At time of posting, I only knew the 2 facts given in the subject line, aqua one from the tank and Ar2-150 from the light hood, wasn't trying to be cryptic( It doesn't say Grande anywhere, and seems to be listed on the web as Aqua one R2150 instead of Ar2-150 just to throw me ) Once I get a camera with some space I'll post up images of the cleaned up tank, though I'll need some working 30" 25W tubes first. Thanks for the link though of the manual- I looked at the UK aqua one site and couldn't see a pdf for this one anywhere
  18. Hi. The only part of the filter assembly still there is the long pipe, but with no manual I don't know how filter set up would normally be configured, or the appropriate powerhead. once I know a bit more I'll be able to make a decision on extra external canister set up or whatever
  19. Hi. I have just picked up an Ar2-150 for next to nothing, if you ignore the cost to go pick up . I think the light hood works, but it needs all new tubes (6 of 30" 25W I think). It didn't have a powerhead, and I don't know the filter set up, but can't find any downloads on that tank.
  20. thanks- after about a month I think I am finally there- the outdoor fishpond filter slime I added may have also helped. The platties in a different tank are producing more fry, so it may be just in time
  21. Another member out West keen to join (I'd be the wheelman bringing my elderly Mum).Couldn't see any forms yet to sign her up though
  22. wow, that was a fantastic project. makes me want to at least make space for a second (larger) tank, though that will be months away before budget permits. The tank looked identical to mine, except that you could actually see inside
  23. I'm in Ranui, West Auckland, so fairly close to Sophia. I'll check out your project in the meanwhile-thanks, Graeme
  24. if I have done it right, here is a link to the 2 hoods , the one that is currently on the tank though you'd never know til the room is in pitch black, and the hood that was modified to receive the Dymax. The Dymax hood itself may well be OK, but the connection where the tube would plug into is stuffed. Presumably with a new connection a tube might work. (The last photo is a titchy tiny tank I found in a similar state of corrosion, though I haven't a bulb to test with. Given that I found the whole light fitting full of water I doubt I'd ever be game to test http://s1360.photobucket.com/user/gbalston/library/?sort=3&page=1
  25. Hi. Can anyone recommend who in Auckland could swap out a very old and almost dead lighting system in the hood of my Blue Planet AA761 90L tank. My alternative is putting in a whole replacement unit - dymax Rex PL 2Ft -61cm or similar, but I'm on a tight budget. The tank came with 2 hoods, so one could be kept for as long as was needed. The second hood came with the Dymax, but water had caused some corrosion to wiring which was crumbling. Tank would have some plants but its mostly just to watch the fish. Another option would look to be those underwater lights stick on the side of the tank . I have seen some for $40 or so, but are they any good, or would it just be throwing my money away
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