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  1. This probably isn't very polite, but I feel really proud of my first little tank. I come home every night and look forward to seeing it (which makes me feel better about having spent a poopload of money on this hobby). As a noob I think I have done pretty well and just want to brag a little bit to some locals. It's been running for almost a year (ok 10 months) and I think it is AWESOME!..... having said that, its time for an upgrade... Tank Specs: Fluval Spec V 3 x Eheim Compact pumps Hydor rotating deflector on one of the outlets Dymax 30w heater Tunze nano ATO Nano box reef mono light with storm controller Weekly 5L water change and change of filter floss. FTS as of 14 August 2014
  2. As long as you are diligent with your water changes and you top ups (evaporation on a small tank will really mess with your salinity) and don't overfeed or overstock with fish, you can definitely do a nano. Source: my first reef tank is a 20L Fluval Spec V. Been running almost a year. Weekly 5L water changes and an auto top up system and it is Awesome!
  3. My lyre tail killifish has what looks like a big bite out of its back. I treated with methyl blue and it looked like it was starting to heal, but it has come back with a vengeance. Seriously it looks like one of his tank mates has taken a bite out of his back but there is no redness around it, just white flesh. It seems to be growing, no sign of fuzziness, so I'm not sure what it is. He is swimming around and eating fine. His female seems to have developed some sort of bump/lumps underneath near the back of her tail. Other fish in tank are fine. So my questions are these? What is it? Is it contagious? Am now treating with wonder tonic, is this going to help or should I be trying something else? Help and suggestions would be much appreciated EDIT - picture added
  4. Yip same thing happened to me. My problem was I had used slightly warm water from the kitchen tap mixer. Added seachem thinking the cloudyness was from the new gravel. Ended up emptying and refilling. Luckily mine is only a 125l. Crystal clear now
  5. This site is usefull for giving an idea of your stocking level. Not sure how accurate it is though. http://www.aqadvisor.com/
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