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Everything posted by DoubleDutch

  1. Top!!! Feed a little less for the time being = less Pollution = less ammonia aso. Greetz Aad
  2. Ok!!!! Maybe it's good to put an airstone in. Mind the ammonia / nitrite levels, because good bacteria probably will be killed as well !!! Keeping my fingers crossed. Sorry to hear about the loaches !!!
  3. Agree with Ira. But if we come to the conclusion this must be a bacterial (what i suspect after seeing lots of likewise threads on UK and dutch forums) or fungal, why not start treating with a med you can get without prescription. These fish are ill and shouldn't have to wait any longer I think for us to discuss about vets aso. Sorry for maybe sounding a little rude, but please start treating them. A wrong decission is better than no decission i think. Greetz Aad.
  4. A tropical fish taken to a Vet. It's totally new for me.
  5. Thanks Adrienne, that's a little different from here. Here you almost never consult a vet for fishkeeping-problems. In the UK i also saw the med melafix used???? I think a lot fish are affected now and suspect the bacteria will be at all of them. I wouldn't seperate therefor and treat them all, but you've other experiences. No problem and they cam be treated afterwards if necessary. One way or the other : Something should be done fast I think. Greetz Aad
  6. No problem with that. That's what a forum is about I think. I'm sorry for you and for me being just at the other end of the world, but i'll try to help you. Columnaris has a lot of different symptoms. White spots, finrot, (dark)red gils, fast breathing, dying fish a.s.o. I think it's a bacterial problem (Can be wrong offcourse!!!) and think columnaris, so don't wait and start treating with meds / antibiotics as soon as possible. It can't get worse I think. The mentioned one is one I think (don't know the meds overthere) Don't euthanise or outplace any fish before, because it's in this tank so you have to treat this tank with all fish there are. Mind that the good bacteria for cycling (nitrification) almost certain will be killed as well !!!! So after treating (read the manual carefully and treat as mentioned in there) ammonia, nitrite will get higher. Please measure them the days / weeks after, put an airstone in if possible and do waterchanges when the levels get too high!!! Try to feed very little in that time (fish will survive some days for certain). Less food = less pollution = less ammonia = less nitrite= less problems. Nitrate (uptill 40 / 50) isn't the problem by the way !!!! I keep my fingers crossed and hope my long-distance help is going to work !!! Greetz Aad.
  7. Grrrrr, doesn't look good at all. Please read this article. Could be you've got a problem likewise http://www.americanaquariumproducts.com/Columnaris.html Greetz Aad
  8. When and how do you clean your filter(media)?
  9. Super. I'll keep you informed when the cause will be cleared overhere.
  10. Update? Strangely enough we'd got a topic about a Peppered Cory with a cut / wound. Also a female and it is believed to be caused by the males while spawning. Greetz Aad
  11. 95% of Dwarf Gouramis (especially cobalt blue) are infected with A virus (Iridovirus) that causes al sorts of infections and isn't treatable at this moment. In the UK they call it Dwarf gourami disease. All due to pressure breeding of this fish in Asia. That's the case with Trichogaster Lalius, but less / not with Colisa Chuna to my knowledge. Greetz Aad
  12. Nobody goes for the " Pindakaas " of "Drop" hahahhaha. You don't have to be Dutch to like them hahahah. please buy, it will help our economy hahaha. Thanks to all. Feels nice to be welcome !!!
  13. If it's dropsy it just won't eat or less than normal. I too think it's just fat / full. Try to feed less (skip a day once in a while) and variate as well. Greetz Aad
  14. Thanks. I earlier saw the name Cees and thought : that must be a Dutchman hahahha. It's my father's name as well.
  15. Hi there, Greetings from Holland. My name is Aad and I am 47 years old. I've experience in fishkeeping for 40 years now. I am struck by MTS (Multi Tank Syndrom), A disease I read about overhere for the first time hahahaha. I've got 10 tanks with different kind of tropical fish, but my favourites are Corydoras Catfish. I like to try sharing experiences (about everything and especially diseases ), and therefor also am member of forums in the UK, Belgium and South Africa. Got some people I know in NZ en like to go there sometime. My parents went three years ago and liked it very much. My English won't always be very good, but reading isn't a problem and I'll try to do my best. Greetz, Aad
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