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  1. SF is AWESOME, but expensive. Are you moving over there or just doing business there?
  2. Ditto! Works excellent, bought in bulk, and a fraction of the price of "that expensive stuff" I also use Purigen with excellent results, but I don't have sun corals either.
  3. JoeBlog

    Reefs Reef Tank

    Is one of your fish nipping the tips of your corals or just reflection points of bright light?
  4. I tried that same strategy with a Koran angel. It worked for a few months and then he started eating EVERYTHING. I was fairly apathetic at the time about the whole reefing thing and almost lost the whole lot of acros.
  5. I am not good at all with the names of the beach locations, but I can describe it to you. We get ours at the far end of Sumner (sp?) at the boat ramp just before you go over the hill to Tailors Mistake (sp?). Does that make any sense? We've only done it a couple times since we don't have the collection setup sorted just yet. We hired a water trailer, which wasn't all that cost effective.
  6. I hope good! I'm out of the country for the next year (US, EU and Hong Kong). I've got a mate looking after the tank for me. It's in good hands and can't wait to check out the growth when I get back. When we perv out on the tank every day (as we all do), it is so hard to notice any real changes.
  7. That is definitely one of my favorites. I think Tim was one of the first to have it here in ChCh (absolutely stunning in his tank as is in yours cONCH). I got a few heads in the round about way of the frag trade, but the flow and Angels put an end to that. :evil: I passed it on to another mate with a tank more conducive to LPS. Hopefully it has thrived so there will be more frags to go around.
  8. This is not exactly true. The bigger the teeth, the nastier the cut. You can get very fine toothed blades at the hobby shop that gives a very nice, clean cut. He spent all that money on a sweet skimmer. Why cheap out on a few cents and make it look all ghetto!?
  9. I bought a cheap one a while back for a similar job from Acorn Hobby Shop (sp?) on Manchester. Only a few dollars and excellent for a one off job.
  10. I've got three Eheim feeders that deposit into feeding rings 4 times a day each (two have pellets and one has flake). I have my Streams on timers to shut off for a few minutes during each feed. It works out great. I was worried about the food just going through the overflow as well, but amazingly almost all the food gets eaten right away. As soon as the Streams click off, the fish dart right over to those rings. The are quite expensive at the LFS. I've purchased all mine on Trademe from $50-$90.
  11. I went to check it out for fun as well. The nameless certainly has an interesting strategy for selling stock. But, that adds to the character of the place However, the corals that were placed out in the shop were surprisingly LARGE. There is a table coral there that's bigger than I've ever seen for sale (in NZ). Granted, it was TOTALLY brown, but good shape and may be a nice color eventually. There was also a massive hydno that I think most people would have trouble finding a place for. There were also some huge brains that were the nicest and wish I did have the space.
  12. If you're willing to go overseas, www.twopartsolution.com. You can also get your bulk quantities of additives there as well. I just placed an order and waiting for it to arrive. I was dealing with Andrew and he was very helpful.
  13. WOW!! I ran my TDS meter under the tap this evening and it read 49! I have no idea what that number means, but it appears to be significantly larger than ZERO! Maybe I will be hooking up my RO/DI unit this weekend. I stand corrected. :oops: It appears that ChCh water (at least in my neighborhood) may suck as bad as Aucklands. The P04 test still read zero though. Small consolation. Does anyone know where to get parts (water lines, connectors, etc...) for RO/DI units in ChCh? The good news is that I'm stoked with the way my tank looks now. So, I can't wait to see what happens when I start with the clean water. 8)
  14. You can still get them, but you just have to get them from other reefers. Maybe you could convince one of the other locals with an excellent population to let you have some from time to time. You can simply put a non-toxic plastic scrubbing pad (those that look like a hair ball) in their tank/refugium/sump. The little guys will pack into it and there you go. I had gotten some from John in the past when he had his propogation tank up and running. Unfortunately, he doesn't have it any more. I probably wouldn't be the best candidate since I'm bare bottom and run filter socks from my overflows. You need to ask someone with a nice, full sand bed and no mandarines.
  15. Willis... :lol: That was funny. :lol: I still see no problem with this. I thought that this was GREAT! 8) If it weren't for the cost of electricity, I would hook up my second 902 to my 500L. I feed my tank heavily and I want to get the nutrients that aren't being consumed OUT! We don't know what other aspects of this person's husbandry entail. Therefore, I don't think we can make the statement that this is "overskimming"... whatever that means.
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