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Posts posted by NoFishing

  1. 6 Discus in your tank will look awesome. (from your photos in the Members tanks area)

    Also, I find the easiest way to catch fast moving small fish is to get a much bigger net. Use your smaller net to chase them into the big net. Also, with the bigger net sometimes you can just bring it up underneath them and catch them that way. :bggrn:

  2. Thanks. Last night they were a bit skiterish under the halide. As soon as the light was of they were active as together, same thing this morning. So hopfully a couple of days of the halide and they will be tight all the time.

    My Embers still do this several months later. But as the leaves on my lotus get larger and taller they have more space to move about in, while still basking in the shade the big leaves give them. I guess they just don't like the light too bright. They only come out from under the leaves at feeding time, or when the light is off.

  3. did she breed yet? sometimes lady fish stop growing after they first spawn/birth

    No, she is still a baby (size wise) and there are no males. I got rid of them all to stop the population explosion.

    She is perfectly formed but about 2/3 the size of the Neon Tetras. If anything her fins are a little long for her size, but not by much.

    what are your nitrate readings, live bearers tend to get stunted growth in nitrates much above 20ppm

    It's a heavily planted tank so usually all the Nitrates get used up and not much more than 0, however I did see them get to around 20 a month or so ago, so I stepped up the water changes. All her siblings grew up though. Just this one stayed small.

  4. I have a little girl that stopped growing when she got to about 1.5cm. She's about 3-4 months old now. She's orange with black tail and fins. Every other baby platy I've had would have been full grown by now and having babies of their own.

    Is this common for a platy to stop growing? It would be cool if they were all this size. A lot less mess.

  5. What an awesome scene you have created. Love it. :cophot:

    BTW if you did want to get rid of the algae off your rocks and the silk plants, just soak them in really hot water for a few minutes then a quick scrub. No chemicals required.

  6. I can almost imagine little blossoms popping up on those wee branches. Wouldn't that be cool.

    Looks great dude. Are there any plans for moss or the like on the branches, or are you going to leave it clean like that?


  7. Not easy to tell from the picks but my guess would be whitespot and the fish is producing extra slime as a reaction to that.

    Really? He's had it for about 6 months now and I did have a couple of platys get white spot a few weeks ago, and the Wondertonic did seem to get rid of it from the platys within a week. It was the same tank so that would have got rid of it from my little Gourami as well if it was the case. Regardless, if it is just too much slime, then that's not a bad thing is it? Just doesn't look nice.

    Its like teenage zits.

    :sml1: Yes it is a bit like the stuff that comes out when you squeeze a zit. I hope that's all it is. It is getting a bit worse though lately. He's getting old now and started to slow down a bit. Maybe I'll just wipe it off again. Not sure he enjoys that experience though. :dunno:

    Thanks guys for the quick replies though.

  8. I've had this fish for about a year now. This stuff started appearing about 6 mths ago and has recently started getting much worse, as in spreading over more of his body. It used to be only near the base of his tail but now is on his head as well. It appears to be coming from between his scales.

    It looks a bit like the kind of oily gunk that comes out of human pores.

    It must irritate him as he often slaps his side against plants or the thermometer, although not constantly.

    It is worse on one side of his body than the other, It's not white spot and is unaffected by either Wundertonic or Furan-2.

    I have occasionally taken him out of the tank and successfully wiped the stuff off with Melafix and cotton wool. But it starts coming back after just a few days.

    He has about 80 little fish mates and he is the only one that has this.

    Has anyone else seen this before, or have any idea how I can treat this problem?



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