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Everything posted by Monzae

  1. Which veges exactly do you use to get good moisture in the bran? I'm going to buy a heat pad and try out this higher temperature and see how that goes. Good stuff :gpo2:
  2. Wow, these locusts will be that big? I didn't expect that.. ok well my initial 20ish will be grown to full size and their offspring will be the beginning of the feeders. I'll just feed them when they're the right size. hopefully it'll grow my Golden bells better than the flies did.
  3. Ok I'll graze the site. With my frogs in the past being in my Blue Planet tank, really well ventilated tanks imo. But I guess I should try and find something else, I do have a spare 50 liter plain glass tank, but then I would still want to use my 100 liter blue planet for some fish in that case.. the power bill D: maybe turtles aren't for me =/
  4. Thanks, I'll go with that and try the heat emitter. I have been feeding mealworms for a while and catching flies as the primary part of their diet but in this cold.. no flies. Can't feed mealworms as a staple diet for their low nutritional value to fat ratio, I wish I could cause I have about 300 worms in my breeding program at the moment.
  5. My question is everything setting up a new tank for my two Golden Bell Frogs, I got some locusts to breed for ongoing food and mealworms for treats, how shall I set my tank up? I'm planning on a UVB lamp and a heat pad. I've also just set up my locust breeding tank, I'm very happy with it but if you know any advanced information you think I might not know, would appreciate it.
  6. Amazing work, I would definitely come to you if I had a turtle in need. I'll take every lesson to make sure I do it right, planning on getting my first turtles in a little while so I'll keep up with my research. I have a 100 liter Blue Planet with twin T8 fluoro bulbs, are these good for turtles or should I get a reptile UVB lamp?
  7. You could always pop in to Hollywood Fish Farm in Albany or Mt. Roskill, lots of fighters always available.
  8. My colony seemed to have dust mites, I just moved my mealworm tank to another location (though yes I use a 50 litre fish tank for mine :bggrn: ) and the mites have since dissapeared, within a day in fact haha. At the moment I am just leaving all my beatles and worms together and just moving the cocoons.. kind of just being too lazy to separate them lol
  9. I feel like something funny has been censored here :spop:
  10. Will these Leopard in fish tanks get along with my Jaguar Cichlid? lol
  11. I'm going to train mine to do so many tricks :lar:
  12. Not sure what was done with the Fluval Edge lol, kind of need the bench space anyhow. I agree, tank is too small for a fish. Brine shrimp or something along those lines makes sense, I wonder if White worm would do well in a tank that size. Anyway, I scratched it up when I used a sponge to try and scrub it clean so it looks pretty sh*t now.. lesson learnt, only use a very soft sponge on ABS plastic :sml1:
  13. I've set up my new Eheim Classic 2215 today, no regrets. Not a sound is coming out of it and it is amazing. Highly recommend to anyone else.
  14. Very cool, I've decided to go with the Eheim 2215, probably going to go buy it in about 2 weeks if everything goes to plan, I'll let you guys know when it's on and pop up some pics. I've also decided to have smaller fish and quite a number of them rather than an Oscar or something as large, I love Oscars but I think a community tank is better suited to the location of the tank.
  15. So I have a 250 litre, do you think the 2215 is a better idea or the 2213? I'll check out the Sunsuns too, already had a look at te Fluvals and they didn't look exceptional.
  16. Heater and Light are setup and the tank looks awesome.. empty tank still but I'm excited I was looking at the Eheim Classic 2215 and thought it looked like what I'm wanting, does anyone have this one?
  17. That price certainly does make a good argument. I'm getting the heater and light out of the way now and will continue looking in to all my filter options. I cleaned the tank up nicely and positioned it in the perfect spot in my living room, just need to varnish up the cabinet. Very excited to get some big fish in for a change. :happy1:
  18. Just took a look at the Eheim profesionals on youtube, very quiet but that price tag is awfully steep, potentially an option but will have to put off getting it for 2 - 3 more weeks.
  19. Well my brother has to sleep in the living room where the tank will be stationed atm, so the plan is including the background noise of your every day items running, I expect someone to be able to sleep through it that may be too much to ask, HOB filters would actually be fairly noticeable whilst trying to sleep, right?
  20. Awesome, I did want to try a Canister filter really, they all sound really great. It can be enclosed in the cupboard below the tank so that should knock out even more of the potential sound, I'll wait to hear more of your answers before I decide. Can you all indicate the sound yours gives btw? like hums lightly or just trickle sound or more like bubble sounds etc? and water level up to rim for the Aqua clear, very useful information. Cheers
  21. I'm wanting personal experience of filters that both are quiet yet efficient, I've looked up a number and was thinking the Aqua Clear 70 or some kind of Canister filter, my tank is 250 litre so what do you think is best?
  22. Alright from what I've seen, there's at least a basic Frog sheet you can pick up at most Animates stores. They should cover what you need? hope this helps.
  23. I believe I have seen a published book on care of Golden Bells, I'll look around for it in the next few days and let you know if you can pick up a copy. gl, I don't think these frogs are very fussy about anything, just check for poisons on what you're giving them before hand (eg. Pine is toxic to them)
  24. Mosquito Rasbora was a thought I also had but a small fish doesn't mean it takes a small aquarium, Mosquito Rasbora actually require quite a bit of space for their size. Brine Shrimp would be great as I can use it in breeding my WCMM and maybe sell some in the future if anyone needed it.
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