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Everything posted by Monzae

  1. Hi, how's your Goldfish now? I believe Columnaris is rare in Goldfish so am interested to know if it was the case here? hope it's healed up nicely, whatever it was?
  2. a sump could prove useful, I don't know if I should use this for fish after what I've heard. Maybe I can use it for plants and snails, colder water was very good for my Ambulia and Polysperma as well as my snails. lots of Red Ramshorn snails should make it still a very nice display. Shrimp also an interesting idea, I'll look into that. Thanks
  3. Haha Electric fish toy does sound like fun. I think I should make better use of it, I work at Hollywood Fish Farm in Albany and last week one of our Goldfish had quite a spawn of little babies, plus we get in plenty of Goldfish on a regular basis so with all the spawn often maybe I could setup this tank in store (on the counter or something) and put a few fry in there and just switch them out for some others when ever they start to get bigger. I'll run it by the work place and see what they think, plenty of cold water fish as well so perhaps that will work out alright and supply a new decorative point for the store, what do you think?
  4. ah.. you're right.. it's pretty small. wouldn't new born fry be small enough though? I would really like fish in it if at all possible?
  5. You were right there, Fancy guppy fry seem to be the best. I'll take a look around the pet shop on Thursday and decide if I will go with this. How fast do Guppy fry grow?
  6. There's a little tank similar to this one on display at Hollywood Fish Farm in Auckland, it has like little fry I guess in it. It's a really cool looking setup in my tank, who wouldn't love some little fry swimming round in a cute decorative tank, I think I'll have a look on google and see if there are any available fish that have like patterns or noticeable differences to others whilst fry.
  7. 3 litres by my measure it's 10 cm x 15 cm x 9 cm. I'll double check that shortly. It has an under gravel filter and a circulation mechanism thingy with a sponge so it sucks the water down and length ways at the bottom side effectively dragging it up through the undergravel thingy as well as cross way through a sponge, it's a nifty little design.
  8. got a new 7 LED Desktop aquarium (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T7mVWbzZFo) I don't want to put a lone guppy or a goldfish or anything like that as it's not the best thing for the fish right? I'm thinking a few babies or perhaps there are some really small fish suitable for it? also thought perhaps a Siamese fighter would work? well I need opinions mine is the same as that one except plastic scratched up cause I used a scour instead of a sponge v.v stupid me and it's missing the plant. cheers
  9. Thanks, I hope this works well. It's going well so far, I've seen the two disappearing off behind the Java moss even when I just lift the cover for a second, keeping it dark 24/7 for the meantime (less the glass to the right which I don't believe is mirrored on this small tank, allowing them to see the other 9 fishmates they lived with in the adjacent tank). Still not sure if this is coincidence as they may both be females or something. I tried in the past to chop up a live mealworm to feed to my fish but that didn't work well (Mealworm are goo right through the body so cutting them just leaks all the goo and leaves what looks like a shedding.) still putting a little Liquifry in and feeding a mixture of flake containing Brine shrimp, well we'll see the rsults in a few days and I'll let you know what happens.
  10. Ok thanks, 5 days it is. I'll start them off on some Liquifry now so they can get some high protein food and to start up the infusoria (however some of the water is from the last baby I had in that tank). Is there anything else I should know or do?
  11. I've put my brightest male and my fattest and most active female in a smaller spawning tank, I plan to leave them for 3 days in complete darkness with dense plantation and a sponge filter. Is it safe to put just these two in there or should I get enough to make 5 (more females than males right?) don't know what is best, I don't think the tank is really suitable for more than the two being a 25ish litre, they won't be too lonely?
  12. I think I'll go ahead and hand a copy of my CV into all the nearby stores. surely they need more hands over Xmas period. I'm confident I'll have a job before the end of the year :cr12:
  13. Hi, still looking for work. I didn't mean to say I'm only looking for work with Animals, just my preference, I'd like to work with food just as much, a bakery or even a waiter would be great. I also don't mind warehouse type work, I enjoy lifting and running and had helped my father in the past with a fairly intensive warehouse job. I'm keeping an eye out for volunteer work too as that sounds awesome, I don't really need the money at the moment and would love to get some experience in an awesome charity like the SPCA. Thanks for all your help here, I'll just keep looking for opportunities.
  14. Hi, I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound negative. I'm just a fish owner and I do want to see the care go into them. I know it's a bussiness but I'm hard working and caring, I don't stop till everything is done (I've been jokingly called OCD, I get it done, all done and the right way haha) I was not selected for the role at Animates which is ok, I'm not giving up and I'm not settling for less a job than is right for me. Some of these replies make me pretty sad, I'm only just old enough to work and the times I'm in are genuinely bad, I've heard many stories my father has told me about how upset he is with the way things have changed but now I'm seeing it first hand. I'm a hard worker so I will find the role I'm looking for and the place I'd be happy to work. Thanks for the support and words of wisdom, I'm going to step up the search and perhaps settle for high fuel costs. I have also looked into volunteer work, couldn't find anything with SPCA. If anyone knows of some work, I'm happy to work volunteer in the mean time. I am currently selling some items on Trademe trying to make a little money, as someone up there mentioned, I don't actually have much money right now and if I can get started on an income I would like to go study sometime, seems paper speaks louder than words and I would be happy to put in the time to do the schooling. Scooter is a good idea, my brother has one to get around and me and my other brother put in a bit to buy a cheap one, doesn't currently work right but my brother is a whiz with it and I expect I can ride a scooter around soon. Thanks
  15. Hahah this is all true, I saw some dead fish there on a few visits and frankly was devastated to see the tank setups, biome is not considered and they're all kept in empty tank with a filter and pump stuffed in, some of those fish really can't live like that. =/ the person whom was troublesome to me was the manager, I do see manager roles on the Animates sites very often, would even the manager have likely moved on? I would love to work there and improve the animal conditions, some plantation in the smallers tanks, maybe some floating plants for the Kuhlis, not too mention the other animals. I bought some Mice from this store a while back and they are very friendly to humans, I was happy with the interaction they must have had at the store but most other Mice from there were pretty timid with human interaction, also the Dogs just seemed sad and lonely, often seen in pet shops but I'd like to just give them some daily attention which I'd imagine they would be happier if they were getting. Anyway as you notice I would love to work at Animates so maybe so. haha
  16. Hi, thanks for this information. I had considered them however the nearest I can apply for is 35km away and would cost me about $50 petrol a week to get there and back plus a longer drive than I'd like. Have considered the nearer Wairau store however I don't like the service there, I purchased some Penguin tetra from them that wound up eating one of my White Cloud Mountain Minnow (which was barely smaller than it and very surprising and disturbing) so after some hassle there I would not want to work with them. cheers
  17. Hi, I'm Luke, age 19 and I live on the North Shore. I've been looking for practically any job for a long time, I've only found a few I could get and applied for three to no avail. I'm a little lost on this now, it's looking like I'm just not going to get a job at this rate. I have a passion for Fish and Animals, not very experienced but I do love my fish and other pets, heard of people getting jobs through facebook or other social sites and wondered if this would work out, I'm looking for any job with fish within driving distance of Northshore (eg Cleaning tanks, feeding or other maintenance, sales person at pet shop or the like, transporting pet fish within the area) hope someone can help me with this job drought so here's hoping. Additionally: I'm fit and agile, wouldn't say very outgoing as I'm usually quiet but I am friendly and don't shy away from people. No problem working on my feet all day if need be, can do fairly heavy lifting (I haul around 30kg or so Tanks, recently moved my own 60l fish tank up stairs. emptied of course but with items etc still 20kg+) If you have an opportunity or questions, ask away.
  18. Are Dwarf Figs what you are talking about? they look like something that would fit nicely in my Frog Terrarium. Thanks
  19. I have had some Boston fern in for a while, they do just pin them down under the frog. The smallest frog however climbed one successfully in pursuit of a house fly. I got a few new plants, forgot what they were called, all have been checked are safe and pesticide free. I'll try and get some pics up soon.
  20. I've now put some Peace Lilly from a house plant I had for many years now as well as a few Boston fern, still wanting more though, quite and elaborate vivarium and it requires much thicker plantation. I'm thinking some Wildgrass.
  21. I have 3 Golden Bell Frogs, fully matured and just a month or so from breeding age, I'm setting up a large 100liter vivarium for them to allow for the breeding expected before long. I was wondering which plants I could take from my backyard for use in the vivarium? I have abundant wildlife right in my backyard and it's full of New Zealand plants (alotta Ferns!) so to take as many of those that are safe for them and just pack the tank with native plantation would be great.
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