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Everything posted by Yeah-righo

  1. Dammit, Ill have to move faster next time .... Hey Raeh - Thanks for the frags.... they look great
  2. Thats awesome mate..... VERY cool looking fish they are. How long have you had your for? I really want one myself. Hollywood Fish Farm had one advertised on their website and called up - they had just sold it. Gutted. :facepalm:
  3. Its coming along... Have added: 6 x Blue/Green Chromis 1 x Foxface 1 x Finger Leather 2 x SPS Coral. Going to let it settle down for now and see how we go
  4. True, I need to change my mind set fast - Im used to overstocking cichlids!!!
  5. Demasoni are a great fish - keep a min of 10 in a tank as their interspecies aggression levels are quite high and this will help spread that aggression. Use lots of structure. I have heaps of rock that I bought for my tank that I no longer use - Ive since gone marine. Im in Brooklyn, let me know if thats of interest!
  6. Sounds good mate. Sorry if I sound naive... That sounds quite light stock levels for a 350?
  7. Can I ask what you stocked your tank with? Im still deciding what to do after the clowns..... Do you think introducing 3 Tangs in one go will be good? i was going to do an Angel after that :thup:
  8. Im new to Marine and chose AquaOne 400 so I can play around with the system and learn it to have a better understanding of whats what - as apposed to having it automated.
  9. Just added my very first Marine fish today.... 6 cheap and cheerful Blue/Green Chromis (Thanks WonderWorld). They look awesome. I'll get some pics up shortly. Next week the Clownfish arrive :thup:
  10. Haha like ya thinking though Cool discus photo Zayne - they yours?
  11. Very cool, looks great - are you just keeping it Cats only?
  12. Looking good! In FW experience its best to get a digital thermometer - much more accurate and doesnt cost the earth. I do like the background - if you wanted more contrast in your tank get a darker version of it, your fish will stand out more - I have a black one with red plants on it, looks cool.
  13. Ok, slowly putting my wish list together here... What are your thoughts on: 6 x Blue/Green Chromis x 6 (Introduce first) 4 x Banggai Cardinal 4 x Ocelaris Clowns - not sure which to introduce first. 1 x Foxface 1 x Masked Bannerfish - Im not sure if this is reef safe or not, conflicting articles out there. I would prob have to choose between these 2 fish Was thinking of adding in 3 Tangs in one go: 1 x Blue Hippo Tang 1 x Purple Tang Im not sure about a 3rd - Ideas? 1 x Wrasse - Bluestreak Cleaner - Add at the end. Do I add all my fish first and then inverts, like shrimp snails etc?
  14. Great looking tank there mate - any tips for a newbie?
  15. Cool, thanks for that. Ive added my location - Wellington Thanks Zane for finding the link to my pic haha I was thinking of kicking off with some Blue/Green Chromis - Perhaps 6. Then take it from there? Thoughts?
  16. Nice tank there buddy, I hope its going well. Have you thought about what fish you are going to add. Im about to stock a new tank too and also thinking about my "wish list".
  17. Awesome vid... I want them ALL
  18. Hey guys and girls! First time on this Forum and Im going to need your help. Ive been doing a tonne of research around Marine tanks, in particular Reef. Ive set-up my system - sump, skimmer, salinity is where it needs to be and Ive got about 30kg of -pre-cycled rock (Live rock?). The system has cycled and now its time to add fish! This is where I need your help.... Stocking ideas would be great please Cheers.
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