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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. are you taking the rocks out each clean and leaving them out?, they probably full of lots of dead bacteria. leave them in, move them around a bit they are a part of your filtration system, probably not the food as i've never heard it linked to green water before except in cases of over feeding. how many hours is your light on for? how much and how often do you feed?

    try cutting back the feeding, even down to 3-4 times per week and see if that helps, if it doesn't then food may not be the issue.

    also btw your blue fish is a hybrid based on a ice blue red top, probably crossed with an "electric blue" zebra type thing.

    another good Idea would be to blakc out the 3 sides, you don't veiw from.

    btw at this time of the year the sun is lower in angle so it would more likely get more direct sunlight than during summer

    also get a full water test done, nitrates and phosphates especially but i'd be interested in the pH as well, africans colour up best in high pH.

  2. ok... just found this from http://www.clearwatercrayfish.co.nz/koura.html

    anyone got one???

    New Zealand Red Glory

    After finding some distinctively red coloured juvenile koura in the farm, those were set aside and raised in an independent circular tank. With careful selected breeding, a significant stock of pure red koura has been developed. It appears that a red gene has been developed in the NZCC general stock and we have been able to isolate it by trial and error.

    We are now able to supply the aquarium market within New Zealand with this unique natural creature. At the moment, purchase of NZ Red Glory is only available direct from the farm as shown in the Sales section previously.

  3. yeah noticed that last night :facepalm: , diagonal facial stripes. got a nice big (6cm) male last night showing full colour and a couple of smaller females (??)

    plus a small koura (2-3cm) do small koura have tiny little claws?, kinda like shrimp claws?

    Giant bullies will eat anything smaller than them (well about 1/3 of their size any way) and can be very shy, the one that I had never came out like the other bullies.

    hrmmm..... now I think i see why Dean wants Giants for the tank... meany :evil:

  4. you could always go see a vet and ask for a prescription for erythromycin, kills it but is expensive.

    best to sort out the causes first and use it once your sure you can prevent it coming back

    easier than pulling apart your tank

  5. Im shore about 6 years ago animates was selling piranas here in tauranga.

    lol, that was a poor little pacu that was being seriously abused, sold them a big Pleco to go in with it, had to spend half an hour acclimating it as they had no idea what to do with it. it ended up in a turtle tank then dead from what I heard

  6. same tank same position, was my mudflat tank, had to shut it down as the heat started to kill the clams in it and so on and so on..... the garage is abnormally hot compared to the house so i'll bring it in when it starts to heat up. (plus all the extra options, 20L is quite easy to cool down with a bit of ingenuity. those ice wraps fit perfectly across the back of the tank and last all day. (kinda look pretty too in a gooey bluey way)

  7. atm it is around 10-12 degrees (no thermo atm, but thats what it was last I looked, possibly colder atm ) last summer it climbed to 24 degrees maximum. its cold enough atm that the leopard fish have slowed their breeding down. and that my hand aches when im working in it.

  8. update:

    added 2 Inanga and 3 common bullies. all settled in nicely

    then got 3 Banded kokopu which promptly ate the inanga :facepalm:

    the I removed 2 of the bullies (could not catch the 3rd) and took them home and set them up in a 20L tank I had cycled and waiting for something else. they are now settled in with their Leopard fish tank mates and posing for pictures. (they will go back once they put on a bit more weight, if I don't fall in love too much til then :love: )

    since then I have noticed that the Banded tend to ignore the bully except when he's literally on top of them, then they give a small chase then ignore him (he is around 3-4cm they are 12-15cm)

    off tonight to search for Giant Bullies and Redfins.

    p.s. Tank looks exactly the same except the long bit of wood has sunken, will post pics when I get some decent backing and lights attached. plus the pile of driftwood I have sinking atm.






  9. +1 on sodium hydroxide.

    they actually have testing on water daily (or sometimes hourly), just they only do reports every few months.

    the water treatment plants are normally quite open about what they do, just walk into the reception at the treatment plant and ask, they normally have someone around that can talk to you for a few minutes.

  10. :evil: My male BN won't let go of wood even when it's out of water. I can spend about 20 minutes trying to get him off a piece, I'm so scared I'll find him outside with the old driftwood pieces one day.

    my method (and it works :wink: ) is to place the wood out of the water and positioned so the tail of the BN is touching the water, they will eventually wriggle out. when they start to dry a bit.

    if your impatient (and dont mind the risk of hurting the BN) get a zip tie and slide it up under it, they normally let go when something hits their mouths.

    (p.s. this is from countless times doing this on a commercial level, don't like doing the second option unless I have to though)

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