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Posts posted by Dana

  1. Brilliant. Thanks guys. I've googled, and the options were unlimited, and mostly US or UK based.

    Sophia, the loaches love the snails, but they don't seem to be keeping up with the lot that came in with the last lot of plants lol. Lazy toads lol.

  2. The valid advice I've received on here for my phosphate issues (among other probs) has been to move away from flake food, and more towards live food.

    I have a 215ltr

    4 Dwarf Gourami

    6 young clown loach

    4 ghost cats

    and Bob the bristle nose

    Aside from visiting the LFS to start up, is there any advice from current members in regards to breeding live food for a beginner? Any traps or things to avoid? Any things you wish you'd known about before you started?

    Every little piece of advice I get on here seems to be one stop closer to my tank recovering from goo and sick fish hell.

  3. It definitely looks like fighting to me, particularly the mouth which will have been caused by them liplocking.

    Gourami are very much like betta in that two males in the same tank can cause issues once they are mature. Why do you think you have only males, it could be that there is a female in the tank which could be adding to the issue.

    I was of the understanding that male dwarfs have colour, and the females are smaller and brown? I believe all of mine are male.

  4. Thank you Sophia lol.

    Latest update...

    I called the council and had my mains flushed.

    Added Clearmax to the hood filter as advised by the rep, happily take further advice on this re removing phosphate. Appears to have had no impact. Tap water still reading 0 for cold, and .5 for hot water cylinder.

    30% water changes every 4-5 days, incl gravel siphon and moving rocks.

    PH 7.8 (usual for this tank)

    Ammonia 0

    No2 0

    No3 40ppm (water change yesterday, about to do another after this reading)

    P04 2.5 (WTF!!!)

    Feeding once per day.

    I found a grey hair today....

  5. They are dwarf, so all male. He is the largest, two are slightly smaller, and one is juvenile.

    They have clear areas for territory, although lacking in height through the center of the tank. Any suggestions to ease their aggression?

    I've had other suggestions of adding females. A) some say this would make it worse and B) near impossible to find female dwarfs

  6. Anyone know what's up with my Gourami? Given he's about 10 months old, but was fine a couple of days ago.

    Only change is the addition of an artificial plant this afternoon. He's still eating, but has wounds on his sides and his mouth has been ripped to shreds. His entire mouth is just a mash of skin and flesh.

    All the other fish appear fine, no white spots or ulcers. Just this boy....

    Is he old and on his way out, or has he come down with something very quickly...


    Blue right side by danaj2009, on Flickr


    Blue mouth 2 by danaj2009, on Flickr


    Blue mouth by danaj2009, on Flickr

  7. It's back.

    BBA spotted this morning. New plants are rotting, slime building.

    I'm collecting what ever rain water is available, I've added clearmax to the filter and have stopped using water from the hot water cylinder. Water changes twice per week, light and food limited.

    P04 still raised, PH near 8, all other levels within normal.

    I give up. I really just give up :(

  8. Loaches are brilliant for snails.

    I have 6 clowns and watch them play amongst each other with snail shells lol.

    Clowns do grow, and I only have a 215 ltr, so as they grow, and other fish pass with age, i'll upgrade for my loaches as required.

  9. I love these guys, as my father kept them. They just feel like home.

    The LFS told me when purchasing, that i'd be lucky to get more than 8 months from a young fish. Is this correct?

    I ask as after the recent tank issues (as per my previous threads), I've found that Red has lost his colour. His blue is non existent and his red is very dull.

    This is him 4 months ago.


    Red by danaj2009, on Flickr

    Now, this is him. Poor boy has been through ammonia poisoning, now apparent phosphate issues, and never really recovered from the temporary home I set up while gutting the tank.


    WP_000950 by danaj2009, on Flickr


    WP_000936 (2) by danaj2009, on Flickr

  10. I would remove all plants, do a good gravel siphon.

    Then i would put in a bristle nose or 2. they will destroy all the algae with in days.

    as for black beard algae, scrap them off the walls, brush of fthe rocks, and start again wtih plants.

    i owuld take your light bulb in that unit and spray paint it black partially to reduce light, those tanks are notorious for too much light, look sgood though, nice and bright.

    royal plecos, small panaques i found each young black beard algae.

    so if you scrap the old ones, the new ones will be eaten by them.

    Cheers, the tank was gutted as per earlier in the thread, the plants were already changed and I already have a b/nose.

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