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Everything posted by clubbing80s
Hi. I got home to find one of my Fire Eels with its head down on the bottom of the take , twitching and gasping sort like an epileptic fit. When I touched it, it don't respond in a normal way. I was able to pic it out of the tank with my hand and put it in another thank. I though he may not make it so I put him in a tank that I'm already treating with "Tonic" , one of the angle fish has white parasites mostly gone cleared up at this time. I added Furan-2 to the tank, maybe not the best idea but in case he needed something stronger for an internal issue. Apart from heat burns which it already had when I got it I can't see anything obvious externally. It eats when ever presented with food up till this point. I did not once or twice he did swim around in a crazy manor as if he has an itch, as I couldn't see anything on him I assumed it was just an itch. The first thing I did was check the water parameters and all where normal, none of the other fish have these symptoms or anything to indicate sickness. What could cause this ? Thanks Greg
Ok thanks. Not so worried now . Just had a look in the filter and it was full of similar stuff . I cleaned out the loose waste don't want to over clean it. The flow is better .
Hi. My big tank gets this brown fury stuff on the plants. It seems to die back then come back. Thus far it hasn't had a negative effect on the plants to the fish. But it doesn't look so good, and I would like to know if it could be a problem. When looking close I can't decide if its a fungus that has dirt on it or is algae ?
Will do .
Thanks for the info. My big tank is against the center wall in the kitchen . I put it there on the asumption the appliances as suggested a chedt freezer would go there. And water spills are easier to manage . From what i understand the house is about 7year old. I have a spare room Im considering putting down plywood boards around the edge of the room this would spread the load over a much bigger area and catch small spills . Would be my office n fish room On the other have the wow factor for ppl arriving at the front door and looking into the big tank would be gone lol.
Hi. Im renting in a small "lock wood home" that has wooden floors under the carpets and vynel in the kitchen. Im used to living in houses with concreate floors so the weight of fish tanks is not an issue. Im wandering what the max size / weight wooden floors will carry? Im going to remove the feet from my tank stand and putting planks on so that the weight will be spread across the floor boards as aposed to a all the weight on a couple. Thanks
Cheers will leave them be. :-)
Just so that I understand correct the correct proceedure . With the air driven filters one does not clean them ? And if one does then it would be a single squeeze a bucket of aquaium water to dislodge heavy dirt ?
This is an unteresting implamentation of a HMF http://m.instructables.com/id/Introduct ... ilter-HMF/
I got 2 of those air driven spong filters $19 for both the arived today . Same as url provided. I had to turn the air pump down as they were realy noisy . How do i know what the correct air flow rait is ? Thanks for the warning about the foam. Will use the foam i got from work for thermal insulation behind the tank . Where do i get the correct foam from and what should I ask for ?
Wouldn't I need a power head to get the required flow ?
Think I'm going with the Hamburg Mattenfilter, I have managed to get foam here from work for free :-) . I don't have time for stuff that breaks.
Would help if the ppl selling you these items gave the correct advise in the first place. I was advised to do maintenance with the water changes and replace the filter pads every 1 -2 months .. I know better now .
Thanks for the advise.
So far the 2 small Amazon swards have been ignored , but another plant I put in had all the leaves stripped of the stem lmao .. And the pleco ate some floating plants I put in the tank, as an experiment to see if they would eat them ;-) .. Once is a while fresh plants should be good for them ;-)
Cleaning the media can be messy job with the Classic 350 as all the media is loose in the canister only separated by a sponge, the fine grain filter pad is at the top luckily. I'll be look for a bigger filter , given that I like my big fish in this tank. I'll also look at planting it out, this has been on the todo list but finding plants that look good in a 300L is not the easiest lol as most available are dwarfed by the size of the tank. Anyone got an opinion on http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/f ... 787606.htm its cheep .... does anyone have experience with sunsun products they can share ?
Ok so my Classic 350 is just on the min as 620 L/H on a 300L tank , given I have no real plants in there to speak of (only 2 small ones just planted) to assist with waist management and all the fish are large, it's probably not coping. :facepalm:
What is the recommended turnover for water in a tropical aquarium ?
Thanks for the advise, I shall be following up on this .
Lol the out let on my air pump broke last night when I was moving .. I'm getting a new one later today.. I have been wandering if the filter was big enough as there always seem to one or other issue, I have a fulval filter that's rated for 100L tank would that help. Can you recommend a sponge filter for my tank. Adding new filters will they cause cycling as they establish the bacteria when used in conjunction with the current one ?
I have had issues with ammonia before, so I keep an eye on it, I check water before changes and id fish are sick, then I do it more often. I have 300L tank with Eheim classic 350 . I was advised that I should not clean my filter out as often as I was. I was replacing the white fiber filter at the top weekly and some time emptying out the "dirty" water and rising the media in water from the same tank. I didn't do this last week. Suppose this change in routine would result the tank to cycle. I have had varying advice on whats correct for this filter. A good question here is how often should the components be maintained ?
He's generally good about finishing his food, either eats it all or just ignores it out rite. I'm quite aggressive in my tank cleaning, so most of the stone is moved at least once a week when I vacuum. Thanks for the advice on the 75, the 3 big ones (still small at the moment) are meant to move the the 300L tank, as soon as I can re home the Oscar and Placo.
All 4 fish are still swimming so must be food, I did cut back on the feed for the last 3 weeks, possibly over fed them this last week as I change the food. Oscar I quite pick lately. Will vacuum again to be sure it's all good. I have 2 small amazon sword plants that I have just put in the tank last weekend, both seem healthy.
Hi. The ph was 7.0 then went up to about 7.6 , but that was only after the water change, my tap water is typically 7.4 to 7.6 . Never used the high range test, I will look at the high range an see if it's higher than normal.
Hi. Before i did a water change i tested the water peramiters. Ph was 7, ammonia was 0 , nitrite was up 0.25 and niterate was 0. I vacumed the tank a per normal, maybe a little more water around 25 %. I did this today round 1 pm . I got home at 8 pm and my fish where gasping . So i tested the water ph was high but that normal from the tap water and yhe ammonia was 0 but both nitrite 0.50 and nitrate 5.0 where up. I havnt had issue with nitrite and nitrate since the tank cycled. Recent changes this werk where chaning the pleco food also eaten by the silver dollers. I fed the oscar 3 mealworms although he was not to intetested but left then to see if he would eat then in a bit i and yesterday i had put a piece of carrot in the tank to see if the pleco and silver dollars would eat it. Would the mealworms and or carrot casue a sharp spike in nit*s ? I have done an 70% water change the fish are now swimming but the nitrite is still up. I will have to do another one tomorrow i suspect. For me the big issue is where did the nitrite spike come from so that i can avoid such nasties . Thanks