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Everything posted by JS1987

  1. Hi all. I think my flying fox is sick he seems to have two small red spots on each side of him but he seems happy going around my tank and doing his own thing. I brought some Pimafix but have not dosed in the tank yet. Anyone had similar problems ? Have tried looking on google but no luck. Thanks
  2. I don't think anything can get stuck in my ornament tho. its just a figurine / statue the plants will grow and cover him eventually go ambuila
  3. I didn't vacuum near my plants at all and i probably wont. I like how you use just clear tube i might give it a go next time.
  4. Thanks but i think i will try return it for a bigger one i got sold a one for a medium tank one and having this fine gravel is a little bit annoying maybe its just frustration haha
  5. Thank you all for the kind and funny comments haha yeah i actually brought more ornaments put them in and i was like yuck don't like it left Neptune in there (put the other two on TM) and yeah as some of you guys said the plants will grow *fingers crossed* and it will become better. To the first comment about that bog plant i don't like it i was maybe going to take it out and put some more ambuila and it does look like its starting to rot a bit at the base... was thinking some java moss for my driftwood when i get it more established.
  6. Hey all another beginners question. Tonight i attempted to clean my gravel a tiny bit and do a water change i was attempting to use an Aquaone "Vac-A-Tank" self siphon. I told my local fish store i have fine gravel (like wet cement when you run your hands through it) and to be honest i think i lost more water out the side then up the shoot of it. I eventually got it going but having a TALL tank and be being a little bit short having to use to chairs to try get it going me on one and the bucket on the other i found it quite difficult. Can anyone recommend to me who has an AR620T tank what they use when the do a water change and cleaned there gravel up.
  7. Haha Thanks Ira and Shell. Yeah once i get it all up and going i like this ambila plant grows awesome
  8. hi all four photos of my tank below i am a beginner so any suggestions or comments would really be appreciated. It is an Aqua one AR620T 130 liters TY Jacob
  9. They are two medium sized pieces over 20 cms
  10. Is two pieces of driftwood to much for a tank of 130 litres ? also silly question here does it affect the tank in any way if part of the driftwood was leaning against the glass it wont like break. Its not leaning against it at the moment but if i wanted to one day for looks wise. I will actually try to post a picture tonight im looking at it now thinking i hope they are happy in there and have enough things to interest them swimming around
  11. Thanks Adrinne. I dont want to breed fish.... atm :nilly: just want to have a community. Will keep a watch on my driftwood over the coming weeks.
  12. In a comment towards tannis the LFS told me to use boling hot water on the driftwood let it cool and leave it over night 24 hours in a bucket there is no "leaching" from the wood at all.
  13. To everyone who wanted to know about the pH. Ive tested this straight out of my tap 7.8. When i first took my water sample into the LFS one week ago my pH was reading 7.3 ( i had one piece of driftwood in the tank) the guy said its a little high so i added another piece of driftwood went back dew days later and it was sitting at 6.6 he said it was fine to add a couple gourami so that is where thats at the moment. To the filter i am using i think its called trickle system where all the bio media and cartridges are in the top of the tank. I know i will be getting alot of different answers on here but to a novice like me all information is helpful. I have seen the seachem in tank monitors i think i will buy them today.
  14. Thanks sophia i will do a water change tomorrow and leave the gravel for a bit. Thanks for the help its hard getting info from LFS ! :nfs:
  15. water change and clean gravel ? ?
  16. 20 % change ? I will tomorrow do it and get a test kit.
  17. Hey all, I have started my aquarium and have had it running over the last week with three small gourami's and would just like an opinion of when to do my first partial water change my tank is 130 liters it is an Aquaone i have plenty of plants and two pieces of driftwood and three rocks and have a PH of 6.6. I do not have a test kit just a pH kit. Any advice is great thanks !
  18. JS1987

    Discus Fish

    can they live by themselves or in a community or only solely in pairs ?
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