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    Large Fish

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  1. Thanks for the info, I have kept frogs before , although not for a any length of time, I normally stick to fish. The dimensions of my habitat are: 70cm x 70cm x 120cm High Windowed with glass on 2 sides I am unsure of lighting requirements, but am going to experiement with 2x double 18watt fluro fixtures with 4x phillips 865 18w tubes in them (on seperate switches incase its to much light!)
  2. Hey, thanks for the help! I went down to my local building recyclers and bought a couple of old windows for $10 each. They work perfectly (It was my wifes idea!!)
  3. Hey, thanks for the suggestion, where's the best place to get perspex from? and how much is it approx? Cheers
  4. Hi all, building a new frog terrarium going to be windowed on front and one side - I want to use some form of plastic for the windows (like Nova roof, but without the corrugations. having trouble tracking down something suitable any suggestions! The window size is 1200mm x 700mm
  5. I am 100% positive that there are Whistlers in Wanganui and have been here for a long time. The calls I have heard at night match the call recordings I have heard. Still not sure the easiest way off catching adults! May have to source some 'poles from the lfs
  6. I was down @ my local LFS today - they were selling tadpoles for $2.50ea! I'm pretty sure they are the bigger Green Frog's. I would like some WTF's What's the best way of catching these things as adults, I hear them all the time at night at my mums place, but as yet have never been able to see one let alone catch one! I have had heaps of experience caring for the "Big Green's" and would like to try the little fellars.
  7. Hi Midas I would love some more info on your trickle filter - plans, etc!
  8. I've been doing a fair bit of research on this whole plywood tank thing My old man is a cabinet maker/carpenter so guess who is going to be doing all the work! I've been wondering if I can put glass on the ends as well as the front of the tank. I think I may build a frame and then screw the plywood to that rather screw ply ro ply
  9. Hey, this stuff comes in 1, 2, 4 & 20 litre pails I think the 20litre pail was only $99.95 I think for my tank I will only need the 4litre pail Finn
  10. I am also researching a plywood/glass combo tank after having a bad experience with an all glass 5 footer breaking! Mine is going to be 6' x 2' x 2' I found a product a mitre 10 called gripset 51 (www.gripset.com) - a rubberised waterproofing compound that is safe for fishponds, watertanks and other potable water containers it is cheap and should work!
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