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Everything posted by will.pointon

  1. Everybody just post a pic of your tank!!!!!!! Big, small, who cares let's share! These are my four platy Fleur Finn Ellie and Fergie! http://s1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd5 ... hoto-1.jpg And now they're in my dorm at school http://s1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd5 ... hoto-3.jpg Here's a pic of them just before I took them to school and changed the plants. http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd5 ... /photo.jpg http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd5 ... hoto-4.jpg And my bristle nose catfish Sludge http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd5 ... hoto-2.jpg
  2. These are my four female platy Fleur Fergie Finn and ellie http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... 1240381613 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... 1240381613
  3. Does any body know of any fresh water tropical fish breeders in Taupo or Wanganui???? No in particular species just looking for options as the pet shops fish are kinda average.
  4. My female platys were brought prego which I have no problem with. But now I'm starting to wonder what to do with the fry. I'll definitely ask the pet shop if they want them and if they say no they'll probably go for sale on here and trademe... But I'd like to hear your thoughts on letting the females just eat them or possible killing them off myself. I'm just exploring the options here. I really would like to watch a few fry grow up but I don't want any males so if one does grow to be a male they'll breed again and I'll just be repeating the process.
  5. If you were to euthanize it, how would you prefer to do it??
  6. Soz for the repeated post... Um yea I guess I'll just be selling alot
  7. The fry are going to be sold so they don't breed again
  8. The fry will be given away and they will not be breed again
  9. Thanks guys! I got 4 female platys today and can't wait to see if they give birth! Their names are Finn Ellie Fleur and Fergie.
  10. Ok sounds good but do they fight and nip each others fins?
  11. Aha but I don't want fry and I don't want to see them get eaten! Can you have a tank full of females?
  12. Thanks guys! I think ill just get a few platys and have a species tank for now along with my one bristle nose. But any other ideas for another species to go with them? I was thinking if I could find some nice guppies but guppies breed uncontrolably aye?
  13. On the topic of bristle nose catfish...I have a male. If I get him a girlfriend will they definitely breed or fight? Or should I just get another male for a friend and will 'they' fight. OR! should I leave him single.
  14. Hi! I'm new. Im 16 and aquired a tropical fish tank about a year ago. it's only 22L and had 4 tiger barbs in it which I have recently sold. I now am at a point of choice. Should I buy a friend for my male bristle nose catfish and do platys and neon tetras go together and if not what does go with platys that are colourful ????
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