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Sam Newman

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Posts posted by Sam Newman

  1. Shortfin Eel would definatly escape. Don't know what sort of native would be suitable? Is there some kind of large Carp that wouldn't need extream amounts of running water? My pond is well out of the flood level, so there's no chance of anything getting to the waterways. Except for Eels, of corse. They travel Kelometers accross land to get around waterfalls etc. I have plenty of them in my river. Cheers

  2. :wave::wave::wave: HI :wave::wave::wave:

    Can anyone please tell me the biggest fish I can keep in a freshwater pond 4m long by 4m wide by 2m deep I have some Longtail Commet Goldfish in it at the moment but Im happy to move them if there is something BIG I could keep in my pond. Thanx.

  3. Thanks for the feedback. I originally wrote to Kate Wilkinson (The Minister for the Environment) asking to set up a Trout farm by our open Duck enclosure in Victoria Valley. It is a perfect environment for them but it is highly illeagle because the Government believe keeping Trout would muck up the Tourist fishing. There are wild Trout in the river but not enough to make it worth standing there with a fly rod. She suggested Salmon. There are a couple of farms in the South Island, but currently none anywhere in the North. I was hoping to just get some Salmon eggs, but Stella has kindly brought to my attention that it may be detramental to the native species in the river that are supposed to be there. I would like to learn more about that first. Cheers.

  4. Thanx for the advice. I agree that they need a lid. Very funny to watch them trying to escape tho. Sounds like they'd be relatively cheap to feed. Will the small ones eat eachother? Maybe the big ones could be paird up male and female in their own tanks until they are in bery? I understand they do this around April, May. If I made a big enuf cage, could I have several areas sectiond off to put the same sizes together. Do you think that would work? The farms must do something to keep them from eating eachother? I have no intention to ever sell them. Just want a food source at home. :happy2:

  5. You probably have some chlorine put in your water before it gets to you. Algae grows in sunlight. Do you have a shady place you could put your pool?

    Each to their own, I would throw the raid squirter out. I wouldn't want my kids or pets to haf2 breathe that stuff. !drool: :an!gry :evil:

  6. Koura.jpg Koura1.jpg Koura2.jpg Koura3.jpg

    I harvested a few Koura the other night. Ate a few and kept the two biggest ones alive in a tank. They seam happy enouf, altho when I got up this morning, I did notice they had escaped and gone for a little walk along the bench. What should I feed them? I know they eat leaves etc and the odd piece of dead animal in the wild. I see the farm in Kaikoura uses some type of fishmeal from salmon and other fish biproducts. Is there something I should buy or will they be happy to share my sausage and lettuce? I understand a high protien diet helps them to grow quickly. How much running water do they require? I have no power but I am able to set up something 12V. I also have a little stream. Can I build a big fine mesh cage for them to go in? What about a bath tub with netting over it and a hose running to it? Any advice or tips for keeping Koura as pets and possably breeding them would be appreciated. Cheers. :happy1:

  7. Very nice guys and cool that your just over the hill. We had goldfish in a trough. They did well for about 10years then they started growing lumps. When we found Big Red floating, we tried moving the others but they didn't make it. I think someome may have washed their hands in the water with something toxic on their hands or it could have been a disease. I have had my little pond (4mL X 4mW X 2mD) full of fish, I had Orandas, Selestials and a variety of Commets but they have all died exept for about 6 medium sized Commets. They have breed in the pond before and been quite happy, perhaps it is too hot. I have Abasinion bananas and a couple of lillys for shade. maybe not enuf? They are friendly. If you sit by the edge, they come up for a pat.

  8. Here is a picture of one of my new friends from the stream in Takahue Sddle Rd.


    G'day boss, nice to see another fellow Northlander join up :wave:

    Awesome mate. Where abouts are you and what aquariums do you have? I have a fishpond outside. :bounce:

  9. Thanks Sam. I will give that a go. Cheers Stella. I had an idea to build a big cage with fine mesh and sink it into my little creak in the shade. It has fresh running water and silty mud for the Koura to sink into if it gets too hot. Do you think that'll work? There are a few naturally living there already but they don't grow as big as the ones up in the hills. Maybe if I feed them. I used to sit and feed the kokopu. Havn't seen them for a whyle but they're probably there too. I must have a look. 8)

  10. :wave: Hi Everyone! :wave:

    Great to have found this site. I was browsing the web, researching farming Koura in Aotearoa and came accross this forum. Last night I harvested a few from a stream up in the bush for food and found a few beauties. :happy1: Then I put them in a tank and they look so happy, I had to concider breeding them. I sent an email asking permission from doc, so will see how it goes. Cheers. Sam.

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