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Sam Newman

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Posts posted by Sam Newman

  1. I have priced out a little 12v pump, costs $25 and an airstone is $2, so I will buy them next week. I have scored an old bath tub that I was thinking of putting in the shade with some mesh over it. I thought a bath would be good as it is long, easy to clean and I would imagine that the cast iron would help keep a consistant cool temperature. I will keep you posted. Do you think that Koura would be able to climb out of a bath?

  2. 8) cool. Thanks for the advice everyone. I'm thinking, I might make part of my little creak into more of a natural place the natives would like to be, feed them up and encourage them to stay. I may look into a trickle system in the future. 8)

  3. Thanks Charles. I will check that out fully before I set anything up. I LOVE how they move fast. I just finished a small fry up of them and freshwater shrimp rolled in flour. I had them in a bucket for 24hrs and they were all swimming around fine, exept for the one that I accadently squished a bit when I was seperating the baby bullys to let go. There are heaps of Inanga in our river as noone catches them here. I keep it quiet to keep it that way. I think I can keep the temp down but do you know if I will need to run a pump all the time, or could I just turn it on for an hr a day? CHEERS. 8)

  4. &c:ry I had the same problem in my pond. The Orandas died first, then the Selestials and finaly a couple of Commets. I have given up trying to keep the fancy fish in my pond. They seem to die more easily and it is just too sad to loose your loved fishys. I think the bad bacteria taking the Oxygen is deffinatly part of my problem. I am thinking of putting more water plants in the pond. I'm just wanting to find out which are the good native plants that produce Oxygen. Anybody know? :dunno:

  5. Hi. Does anyone know the leagalities on keeping Inanga (common whitebait) as pets in a tank? What kind of set up is required for them to be happy and healthy? Cheers. Sam. :happy1:

  6. I have aquired quite a liking for the taste of Gambusia over the last couple of months. i found my trap wasn't really suitable for catching vast quantitys, so I hacked off the mozzie netting from my tent to make a giant net. I am going to try to catch heapsa the little fulla's. Mixing them with an egg and pepper is pretty tastey. anyome got any other suggestions on how to cook em? Im presuming frying is an allowed way to kill them as I don't have a small enouf club to dong them all on the head. There are hundereds of them. :dunno:

  7. Hi Supasi. Yes it was near the water level in a swamp. There is some growing in the mud floating on the water. I can take a photo tomorrow. Sory about the photo quality. They are taken from my phone. Thanks for the help. I am on a mission to find out wich are the native plants in the wetland I am looking after.

  8. I don't believe how you guys could get it SO wrong! :facepalm: The eels I am talking about are bigger than me. They are SWAMP TANIWHA'S. They have such a slow heart rate and metabolism that they don't eat much. They will never go out to sea to breed. They are retired, you could say. They stay in the swamp holes permenently and some may be over 120yrs old. Much different to snapper. I feel priveliged to be one of the only people to have ever seen an eel so big. To clear it up, I would never kill one and I would never sell eels for meat. I was only interested in selling small eels to people who wanted to keep them in an aquarium. I spend my whole life helping the environment. I actively take part in conservation work in our waterways and I am looking after one of the biggest wetlands in the North. Looking after native species including Teal duck and Scaup. Trapping and shooting pests including Possums, Rats, Stoats and Ferral Cats I am one of the only two rep's in the Far North for the Waterfowl Rescue. Nursing sick or injured Ducks, Swans, Parradise Shelduck, Turkeys, Pheasants etc and reliesing them back into the wild. I police bushlines to ensure nobody shoots Kereru or out of season birds and I am actively taking part in Kiwi recovery. I have a natural affinity with nature and wild animals have made friends with me everywhere I go. Please don't give me a hard time for asking questions. Thanx :(

  9. Very nice collection. My friend has a couple of Bala sharks. They are prejjy. Like your eel and Kokopo. There are lots of friendly natives in my river. I feed the Kokopo cecadars with a wing pulled off. Impressive to watch them gulp it up. Up in the swamp by where Im camping there are eels the size of a dog. 5 times as big as your 1. They straighten a snapper hook. You could never lift it. A 57pound eel was caught there but there are much bigger 1s that that up there too. I think they are beautiful. How hard is it to get a licence to sell eels?

  10. Yes. DOC permits and approval from the Ministry of Fisheries to farm them. Fishing for Sport fish or Coarse fish requires a licence from Fish and Game. Some Pest fish are allowed to be kept, bought and sold without licences or approval from the Government. Goldfish (Carassius) for example. Special permittion can also be given to keep exotic banned species.

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