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Posts posted by emaytiti

  1. You can also get crocodile and kangaroo meat, but have to be careful how you cook them both.

    Kangaroo is very lean like venison and you have to rest it for atleast the time you cooked it. If not rested properly you will have a decent mess to clean up :/

  2. I remember when breeding masked love birds that the blues were actually a green bird with a gene for lack of yellow and I understand that the higher the incubation temperature with leps the less black so therefore the appearance of more yellow.

    So would it be possible to incubate to get a black leopard gecko? :spop:

  3. Hi guys.

    I was traveling back from tauranga today when a duck was hit by the car in front, turned back to check it was okay but couldn't walk. Decided to remove him from harms way and bring him home. Have him in a large tank with blankets and water and some bread. Still not using his legs I am pretty sure in one is broken and the other is injured. I was hoping you could suggest something or know of anything that would help.


  4. Ok, damn wish I was in Auckland these things would be so much easier. Had a look at their bellies. The one I think is the furtherest along , her eggs look smaller than when I last looked? :o What should I look for in size of eggs? and What is not a good sign?

    Sorry for all the questions, but first time with gravid leopards and starting to worry again.

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