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  1. Hey all, Just a quick question, I am getting married in a few weeks and instead of the "unity candle" we are "mixing sand" in a vase. My question is, where can you get white and black sand from in auckland, we need about 1kg of each. We have been searching the internet but its pretty hard to find unless its in bigger bags. Any help would be appreciated. Its quite likely posted in another forum but ive only found posts about the sand being in the tank. Thanks
  2. I think they are just ramshorns, they are quite small. They are still pretty small, the biggest ive seen is about 2mm looks like it could be a Zebra loach. Thanks for all your help
  3. how fast do the zebra and yoyo loaches grow? its not a big tank at all is my problem
  4. Hi, what would be the best way to get rid of or at least keep the snails under control? The catch is that i have a 54L tank, so im a bit hesitant to put clown loaches in there. Is there any other loach that will eat the snails but also stay small enough for my tank. Thanks
  5. The filthy brown wool wont be doing any favours for the water clarity, try changing and see what that does. also how often have you replaced the carbon?
  6. So ive just noticed in the last few days that my normally placid GBA has started getting very aggressive to both the Siamese Fighter and all Clown Loaches that I have in the tank. It seems to have no issues with the Cardinals or the Lemon Tetras in there. I think it is a male given the bristles on its nose but i am not sure as there is not a huge number, it is only about 6-7cm though Has any one had any issues like this before? thanks
  7. I had one in my 75L tank, it got to about 8cm then i had to get rid of it. I kept harassing my fighter, I have a GBA now which is a lot better at algae and is a lot more peaceful
  8. I think his head is a bit longer, its probably the longest ive seen. I got him from Animates North Shore. That photo doesnt really do justice to his colours, his body is a lot deeper colours and they change between the red and the purple depending on the angle your on
  9. Just thought I would put up a couple of photos of this guy, that was the plan til he got excited by the camera and wouldnt stay put. He has a lot of character thats for sure. http://i889.photobucket.com/albums/ac91/Nick_H_bucket/P7280004.jpg
  10. Hi All, I have just transferred my 5 lemon tetras over to my small 19L tank that had been fully cycled, when tested before moving fish it was Ammonia- 0 Nitrites- 0 Nitrates- 10 Ph- 6.5, not too different to the community tank they came from (about 6.8) They appear to be breathing very rapidly and seem to have a swim bladder problem (not swimming the right way up/ not swimming at all) What could be causing this? since moving them (buy floating them, then adding water) i have lost 3 in an hour. They were fine in the community tank Thanks for your help
  11. Thanks for the info. Yea it is a bit of a mistake, I got some bad advice on it and I am saving for a bigger tank at the moment. Ive tried to create as many hiding places as possible for them with a lot of rocks in the tank. Would it be possible to add 1 other female to lessen the chasing etc into the tank I have? I will be getting a much bigger one in a few months?
  12. I have a pair of Electric Yellows in a 50L tank (one male and one female). Lately I have noticed that the male has been chasing the female a lot more than he ever has. Is this them mating, or getting ready to?
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