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Posts posted by fish_tank0311

  1. Thanks for all the help and suggestions, but are you saying i cant keep electric yellows at all? I am a bit confused. At my LFS there is a tank which is just over 100 litres, just a little bit bigger than mine and they have 4 electric yellows, and some catfish and plecos and stuff. Whats riverine fish? Cant i keep different lake fish together? If i absolutely have to get rid of the plants to do get my e yellows, then so be it, i just want my yellows and some friendly tankmates. I dont suppose i could put in electric blues?

  2. Hmm well electric yellows are africans right? Well then i guess i should do africans? I did hear that some SA dwarf cichlids etc are very cool and good in small tanks, but i also heard africans and SA's cant be in the same tank, as they will fight? I am going to get about 5-10 electric yellows, and then raise them and maybe sell some of them once they get to adults. Thanks for the advice.

    So can africans and dwarfs go together?

  3. Ok so im changing my 90 litre planted tank to a african cichlid tank, and i have LOTS of questions. Firstly, i need help on stocking. I want to get some electric yellows, and then im not sure what else to get? I need some cichlids, african or SA that would mix altogther with e yellows, and can stay in a smallish tank. I heard that dwarf cichlids would work for a small tank, but they dont mix with africans do they? Also, how do i keep the pH up so high? I have given up on normal JBL 'pH Up' and 'pH Down' because both those powders dont work, and they are too risky and have to be put in almost every day to actually work, but its just complete rubbish, so is there some pH buffer or something that i can use, like marine tanks have, because my normal tap water is flat on 7, as im on tank water. Also how do i keep the water hard? I heard if i buy some limestone that will make the water hard, but hard enough? And how much limestone? Does it also raise all the different measurements (ie kH, gH and all those) Also where do i buy lime stone from? Or can i find it outside somewhere somehow? I would like a few plants in my tank however so just let me know on fish that can and cant go in my tank with or w/out plants. Also im planning on using Silica sand. What do i need to know about that? I am a complete noob with cichlids so anything and everything would be good. Thanks all.

  4. GREAT! Thanks for that advice. I thought about the mollies, and i have actually decided that i could put them into my 71 litre tank (the smallest of them all) in with some glowlight tetras and some neon tetras who are mostly all dying, seems neons are always like that to me. Hmm well electric yellows are africans right? Well then i guess i should do africans? I did hear that some SA dwarf cichlids etc are very cool and good in small tanks, but i also heard africans and SA's cant be in the same tank, as they will fight? I am going to get about 5-10 electric yellows, and then raise them and maybe sell some of them once they get to adults. Thanks for the advice.

  5. Hmm, well my tank is about 90 litres. Not sure about what i was planning on getting. I already have some black mollies in their which i am keeping, but i would like some cichlids which arent going to tear apart the plants, which go with electric yellows and 2 black mollies and their 1 baby who is the soul survivor. What would you recommend? I am going to have a few plants in there, at least thats what i want. Thanks Reevesta

  6. Ok i have a breeding pair of yellowish and black marbled angel fish who are approx 15 months old and are breeding, laying lots and lots of eggs, and i am only 13 years old, with 3 freshwater tanks at a combined volume of 400L, and a 450 litre marine tank, so yeah i have lots of tanks but now im thinking about changing 1 of my freshwater tanks to cichlids, and im going to have to change my pH from about 6.7 to 8 to house the cichlids, and angels are not going to like that, so i am going to get rid of my breeding angels because they wont like their new environment. So obviously im selling them, and i would like some advise on what i should sell them for, should i offer to sell them to a LFS? What price should i list them for on Trade Me? Also if anyone reading this thread is interested in buying them then post or PM or something. Please dont report this as a thread in the wrong section as this isnt a for sale thread im just asking for advice.


  7. Hi all, i am looking at finding some good fish for my 4 foot tank, but i want some reasonably large fish, seen as i have a large tank. Currently i have 10 golden barbs, 1 penguin tetra, 1 yellow pleco (like 5cm long only), a siamese algae eater, and a missing rainbow shark :-? Anyway, i am posting on another forum, if your interested ill post link at the bottom, its not a nz forum just another 1, and so far i have come up empty as the few good 1s suggested are not allowed in NZ, so someone suggested some natives, and i found a couple cool 1s, but i know nothing about them, so can someone fill me in on which 1s are freshwater, and which 1s are friendly enough for my current stocking. Also anyone that has suggestions for non native fish that grow big-ish that i could have is very appreciated. Thanks all, oh and 1 more thing, the following are the natives that caught my eye the most so these are what i need info on the most,

    http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=nativefish <---- Natives Page URL

    Galaxias argenteus (the yellowish one)

    Gobiomorphus huttoni (the one with the reddish fins at the bottom of the page)

    and maybe even Cheimarrichthys fosteri, the grey one at the top.

    And my thread on the other fish fourm -----> http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/325378-stocking-ideas-for-a-4-foot-tank/page__gopid__2703657entry2703657

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