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Posts posted by myfishybuisness

  1. From what I've read there's a pretty good chance noone in the world has true endlers. Likely all in the hobby are hybridized with guppies and the wild ones have been wiped out. So you'd just trying to get the most endlerish guppies or least guppyish endlers.

    that is true, as people kept the 2 species together, they cross breed and now no pure endlers

  2. dunno - could be just luck, there were many, many of those probably isnt on the forum and will eventualy sell, i reckon in 1 year we will see.

    but i am at a point where i have realised, i cant breed them as i dont have tanks.

    shame to just keep it and not breed.... so may see if one day i end up selling the male, he is a unsuitable candidate for my tank - i dont want it to be a 'survivor' type situation:D

    see how it goes.

    fraser is keen on taking him and trying to breed....

    Well you could breed them :lol:

  3. Well tbh I'd leave them this time, ifthey raise them great but they most likely will get eaten, so maybe set them up a 60l breeding tank or just let them breed on something you can remove from the tank, take it out when they have laid then put in a small tank 10l with some methyl blue and an air stone and feed the young brome shrimp

  4. My display had an ammonia spike over night. Lost 3x spotted BN 1x pencil fish and 2x black phantom tetra. Ammonia was 2.0ppm. Grandad had overfed them :roll: :lol:

    My blue ram is fine. He was also used during cycling the tank. I don't see how people struggle with them?

    we have a couple in our display aswell , since it was setup, still alll happy and fine

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