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Everything posted by DEE

  1. Yes that would awesome to have a whole tank of cute little baby oscar
  2. yes the man i got them from had some babies but i haven't succeeded yet it's had for them because of the tank numbers everyone wants to eat and yes the babys are very cute
  3. DEE

    fish id help plz

    who's the members that had them because I'm really interested in getting one
  4. DEE

    fish id help plz

    yes that's the one do you know how much one of them cost
  5. yes morcs they are a breeding pair and the male (jack) is quit a show specimen very healthy
  6. yes i know i will do my best to get rid of the breeding pair now you guys say that is anyone enterested
  7. i want to find out the name of a fish the fish is like a tinfoil barb but on its tale it has red and black stipes if you guys could please help me with that please
  8. i would prefer to sell most of them and then just get a few but my mum has become quit attached to MY fish
  9. yes all my breeders are spawning regularly i just had a batch of jack dempsey and the oscars and severums are making nest
  10. hi morcs i might be interested how much and would you do swaps like swap for some of my fish and ya i know but i like it that way there's always movement but i am looking at a change
  11. I've got a 6foot by 2foot by 2foot tank and i do have some fish in there but I'm not sure if its what i want i really need some help because i want a really cool tank with like a group of one type of fish manly with some other to go with them what type of fish do you guy recommend and just so you know i need BIG fish at the moment I've got 1x silver arowana 3x datnoid tiger breeding pair of oscars breeding pair of jack dempsey breeding trio of severum 1x pleco 1x royal knife fish you can suggest for me to sell some please help
  12. hi everyone i have just made up my mind :roll: on whether to sell or keep my lovely silver arowana called solomon . i have decided that i will keeper solomon until there is just no possible way i can keep him as he is just to awesome , gracefully gliding round the tank. but there might be some of the other fish that i have listed soon to be for sale Thanks for the help everyone 8) and maybe some time in the far future i will be wanting to buy a asian arowana
  13. thanks for that nick i think i know what I'm going to do do you guys think i will get enough money if i sold breeding pair of oscars breeding pair of jack dempsey breeding trio of golden severum 60cm silver arowana 24cm flowerhorn cichlid and then just have asain arowana and dats and pleco
  14. how much would you guys pay for a 60cm maybe more silver arowana
  15. good point living art i really need to find a solution to this because he needs a new home but i want to keep him but then i really really want an asian arowana but then the asian arowana is so expensive and then Ive got to sale the one i got and then find an asian arowana for sale and then if i don't find one for sale I'll be left with out an arowana
  16. would any one be interested to swop my big one for two small ones about 35cm each 8)
  17. he could go in you babys tank :lol: And please everyone more help i really need to know more
  18. OK do you know how much i would be able to sell him for and living art i know he's awesome he's got so much character i sit and watch him for hours every night but hes really big and i want to do whats best and i really want an Asian arowana i was going to ask if you wanted to buy him here's some pics sorry they aren't the best
  19. i am thinking of getting a Asian arowana and selling my silver i would just like to know what you all think and if any one would know how much i would get for my silver he's 60cm and his name is solomon. i was also wondering when will we get some green Asian arowanas in :roll:
  20. that's a bummer hopefully that won't happen again but still put up the pics so we can see him 8)
  21. has anyone else got any pic's of there knife fish? 8)
  22. hi here's some more picks of soloman the arowana 8)
  23. here's some picks of my set up sorry i couldn't get any of my knife because hes got a really good hiding spot 8)
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