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Everything posted by DEE

  1. and thanx for that david r im realy keen on putting tiles in my tank i think that would be quite cool is there any type of tiles i have to use for some reason our can it be any tiles
  2. ha ha ha that is the coolest think i have ever seen that is so cool good one
  3. hi there i think Hollywood fish farm sale them for around $27
  4. ha guys i was think that i was going to take all the gravel out my tank and then just have a bear plan tank because it would be easier to mange what does everyone think of that it's i there that or I'm going to put silica sand in how much would i need for 180cm,60cm,60cm thanks
  5. ive seen aqua one fish bowls with filters and lights
  6. thats so cool if it work i would been keen to try
  7. that would be so cool but it's also a bit head scratching does it realy work
  8. that's awesome we can get golden arowana's :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  9. DEE

    my dats

    ya thats the awesome thing about dats ay doesn't matter what size they are
  10. thats awesome for you well done
  11. DEE

    my dats

    Trav you can use my tank but i might end up becoming to attached and then i will have to buy him haha
  12. we are trying to sort it out but we are having problems
  13. hi zev how would we be able to make our account into two because my friend made me one with my email and then forgot the user and password so that is why we are sharing DEE
  14. please guys help me I'm not sure why my dats don't stay stable i think the longest they have ever been stable is 30sec please suggestions 8)
  15. im sorry to say but i love the big fish a lot better then high tech plants sorry 8) :lol:
  16. We just sure henward tanks they are amazing he has some of the coolest fish I've ever seen i really disappointing to come home to our small tanks and not see the wicked fish he's got make us want to have a tank change but all in all such a super wicked tank setup henward and you are a really inspiration to use. 8) good work mate
  17. awesome if you get them please tall me and i will come running 8) :bounce: :bounce:
  18. if you do how much are they a could you please get me one
  19. hes cool and your small one is so cute how are you going to get a NGT
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