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Posts posted by TeeCee

  1. hiya Josy - :lol: welcome

    You can't go wrong then - Caryl showed me how to find my way around when I first started and now......................... :lol: can't shut me up :lol: get her to show you the chat room too - some of us meet there most nights at about 9pm - would be lovely to see you there

    sue :D

    hey - can someone tell me how to find the chat room? :oops: thought I'd looked every where but I'm not there yet!

  2. Ash T - I picked up my latest 3 female guppies from Redwood Aquatics on Thursday - had been eagerly waiting for Bob to get his new fish out of quarrantine. The guppies weren't out yet and so I ended up with pot luck - was unaware that purple guppies existed until today looking at the sites via this one and although I had "thought" I'd got all I wanted in the way of pretty males, didn't think to ask him to look for any boys (just pretty girls) - All three have the most amazingly long ventral fin. I have found Redwood to be a really good source (both fish and info) but also discovered Critter Kingdom a week ago and was pleasantly surprised at their stock and prices.

    Herefishiefishie - I work in Christchurch and commute each day so am not limited to Nth Canty (thankfully as the only one I have found so far had two tanks and I'm sure they're there as entertainment for the shop cats rather than a genuine attempt to sell fish :cry: )

  3. Wow - how cool to get so many replies!

    The substrate is medium gravel (fruit salad I think) - came with the tank so not too sure.

    Tank mates are: tetras - neons (15), black phantoms(5) & congos (3); guppies (8); corys (2) and gourami - pearl (2) and blue dwarf (2) and too many platys (can't stop them breeding - started with 2, gave away 25 and now have about 20!) all too pretty! :wink:

  4. Hey all - having kept a tiny tank for a few motnhs I have just brought a proper bit of furniture and am really enjoying getting it all set up. Strictly a community tank (no fights or frights if I can help it).

    I've been one of those "lurkers" that has read almost every word on the site before joining - most interesting - and a bit scary, it seems that this fish fancying lark can get a bit out of hand - and I haven't got a garage!!!!!

    Have been fascinated by some pix I saw of purple guppies - not only are they spectacular, purple's my fav colour - anyone know where I can get hold of a pretty male? I'm in North Canterbury.

    Can see I'll be visiting the site on a frequent basis from now on. :o

  5. I have had an ablino corydora for about 6 months - started off as the usual mid sized but now has grown quite big (about 9cm) and has started to turn blue (metallic looking around head and underbelly). Other than that he/she (how do I tell) seems as happy as. Can anyone tell me what is up? :-?

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