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Posts posted by TeeCee

  1. I have found chocolate catfish (platydoras costatus) to be a very effective snail munchers. Did not bother the large brown apple snails but has made very short work of the baby apple snails and every other snail in the tank - got so fat in the first few weeks he looked a bit like one of those bubble helicopters :o Just a shame he hides most of the time :-?

  2. As a "freshie" who aspires one day to have enough of a grasp of aquaria to try a marine tank, I am pleased to see that someone has finally picked up the toys and thrown them back into the cot.

    I now have the feeling that it may be worth heading back into the marine threads to see what's up after a few months of thinking "what on earth is going on here?" I look forward with great enthusiasm to seeing and reading about the magic you "salties" are creating. Keep it up :D

  3. Caryl's suggested method works well enough for me (I don't like the taste of fishwater to be honest). In smaller tanks though where it's a bit too fiddly to get the whole tube submerged, an easy enough alternative, with a bit of pre-preparation, is to get the lid off the tank, place bucket nearby - walk to nearest tap, fill hose and block both ends with thumbs...walk back to tank and insert one end of hose in tank, other end in bucket - remove thumbs (figuratively speaking that is) - hey presto - flowing water with :wink: fresh breath

  4. The bouquets could go on for ever - but every one is deserved - it was an awesome weekend. Far exceeded my expectations. I too like the idea of one every couple of years as I suspect with all the organsising required, a year would turn up too soon for most and I'd hate to see it all fall over because no one is (or too few are) willing to put their neck on the line and do the hard yards.

    Warren and Co - you were simply amazing. If nothing else is learned from this event, let it be delegation, delegation, delegation.


  5. Can anyone tell me what the active ingredient is in curex? Simply wondering as I had a discussion with my naturopath father recently about whether tea-tree oil would be effective on fish (we thought it would not mix with the water, just float) only to find when I got some Melafix that the active ingredient is 1% melaleuca (a.k.a. tea-tree) and 99% "inert" ingredients. Wondering now also what the "inert" ingredients are too... :-?

  6. Goldie is the person you need to talk to - she's responsible for a large proportion of the bristlenoses living up and down the country right now :D if she's not replied to your by tomorrow I suggest you PM her.

    I do know she had discus and all sorts of tetra in the tank with her babies (and all the adult b/ns too) so unless you find them disappearing at a rate of knots, I'd not be too worried about them getting eaten - just make sure they have plenty of hiding places.

    Congratulations and good luck

  7. I travelled Hamilton - ChCh with apple snails recently as hand luggage in a chilly bag. Did the right thing at Hamilton and checked it was okay with the airline - they said it was up to the individual "controller" at each airport as to whether they allowed it and let me through but gave no promises for the Wellington - Chch leg. I stayed quiet at Wellington and although the bag went through the xray machine, not a single comment was made about what must have looked rather odd on the xray...I think as long as your fish don;t look anything like a pocketknife you'll be fine Krib - enjoy your trip to Chch. :D

  8. Well I must thank the wise one upstairs for my bladder (apparently got it from Harrod's in anticipation of a fish fetish in later life). I have my spraybar positioned just above the waterline and love the sound of the "waterfall" (when I can hear it over the bubbling BBS factory that is). :D

  9. I have gravel substrate in all my tanks - 2 with and one without a UG filter. All plants seem to grow well (although the ones without the UG do seem to get along faster than the other two tanks). I also do nothing else to any of the tanks for the plants other than trim them - no additional fertiliser/CO2 etc - just good lighting and they seem happy enough. :)

  10. Welcome Rob :D

    First - I got sucked into the $2,000 rimu cabinet job first up (and LOVE it).

    Second - I rescued a fellow "fishies" rimu tank when her tank could not withstand the spring in her floorboards (and LOVE that too)

    Third - I got a "growing out" tank for my pearl gourami fry which sits in amongst the other tanks on concrete blocks covered in a table cloth (Looks nice but not as nice as the rimu jobs).

    The lessons learned? Rimu cabinets/stands are furniture as well as tanks and are very pleasing on the eye...and...BEWARE MTS (Mulitple Tank Syndrome). The three additions to my existing tiny (now hospital) tank took only a few short months!

    The LFS choices in Christchurch are by all accounts the best in NZ and we are spoiled for choice - I agree with the list of LFS posted so far (although I do have a preference for Redwood's as it is on my way home and I personally find the staff there more inclined to give me helpful advice than Organism's staff - but it's all down to personality preference I think).

    Keep reading and learning, come join us in chat at 9.00pm most nights, and I look forward to hearing of your progress.

    BTW - I agree that the taller tanks are way too hard to maintain and despite Caryl and Alan's discussion on dangly bits of anatomy - I find the biggest problem is wet T shirt sleeves right up to the armpits - unless you live in "muscle tops" it just ain't worth the hassle!


  11. Hey - don't feel bad Gomer - it's great even just to stir up a bit of conversation on the topic - having read your article and the posts here - I am finally thinking I might understand it all sometime soon! Next to experience, there is nothing as good as debate for the bystander to learn from.


  12. Hear hear Anal_fin - I have heard some things about redwoods that I'd rather not have but so far I have been nothing but really happy with the stock and service - and while you might get the odd thing cheaper elsewheer - they take the cake for consistantly lower prices. Mind you , having said that - I'm talking freshwater not marine - no idea how they stack up saltwater wise.


  13. How long is it supposed to take before the eggs hatch? I have had a cluster for 5 weeks now but see nothing happening...all I have found out from the internet so far seems to indicate about 4 weeks...but most of it was in German so I am less than sure :-? Did I let them dry out too much perhaps? :(

  14. You only need one chair each and a few cushions for visitors nightshade - dining table can give way to dinner on laps - PLENTY of room for more tanks..... :lol: :lol: :roll:

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