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  1. wow late reply (been overseas) I got the glossos from either trademe or Animates at Botany.
  2. oh it also grows faster with more lighting too so if you have low lighting, it might take more time for it to show signs of growth.
  3. try adding some KNO3 and a bit of PO4 (to stabilise with KNO3) if you are not dosing it. Xmas moss loves nitrates to grow and as what Jennifer said, it will require some time for the plant to stabilise especially when the water parameters are changing rapidly (addition of CO2 etc.) Just keep the CO2 flowing, it will come right when it is stable. Good Luck.
  4. from experience, it is better to buy from the botany hub at ti rakau. Their plans look better and healthier. The lights used at Manukau seems to slowly kill the plants. Oh if you are going to the botany branch, ask for Andrew, he is quite knowledgeable with the plants they sell and he will happily show you the book he orders it from. Anyway i hope you get a good plant next.
  5. i actually have the same problem buying plants from animates. I got a small plant like the wheat plant but doesnt have the white edges on it. and now it looks like its growing tall and sprouting a flower. Which animates did you buy from? If you can find the fish guy at Animates, you can always ask to look at the book of plants they order from the supplier. I did not manage to see the fish guy so I got the plant without really knowing what it is
  6. yea glosso is growing quite well and hugging the floor quite nicely so that it a good sign 8)
  7. Hi Guys, Here is a picture of my hardscape of my new project. The plants are growing now on it but not time to show it yet cause it looks bare.
  8. lol so eager, I am waiting for the glosso's to fill in enough and for the hairgrass to grow out. I will post a pic of the hardscape only real soon. I am at work so cant access photobucket, will have to do it when i get home. stupid security restrictions
  9. thanks guys~! your words have been very kind. My new scape is looking good so far. Lets hope nothing goes wrong :roll:
  10. wow looks very lush! I have been meaning to try that next time. *notes it down for next project
  11. haha yes i am indeed in NZ and yes i have been using the very limited variety of plants also. If you want to know the following plants I used: Cyprus Helferi Xmas moss Java Moss Glossostigmas Just the above 4
  12. Yea I was and I had to with the amount of lights I had over it. I have learnt that after growing glosso, it is not really required to have such a high amount of light. (it was my first lol)
  13. hehe thanks! my next scape is using a slightly coarser sand (playsand) much easier and much more natural... lesser cleaning hehe Yea lol they like to go play around in the sand. I had to pump alot of Co2 for the lights I had over it 64W over 40L (10Gallon)
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