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Everything posted by wellmax

  1. wellmax


    Hi all, is there a chemical you can use for frin rot in a planted tank that won't kill the plants or do you have to remove the infected fish and treat seperatley. I was thinking of using "Pondcare" MELAFIX. Regards. 8)
  2. Para Rubber also sell large sheets of different thicknesses of styrofoam. Regards
  3. It is also quite easy to cut to different shapes and sizes on a Band Saw. In a factory situation they use large band saws using a non serated blade which is a knife blade. Regards
  4. wellmax

    Sump Plans

    Hi, can anyone supply me with sump plans suitable for a 300 litre tank. Regards John Mc
  5. Hi all can any one supply me with plans for a sump that I could use on a 300 litre tank. Regards John Mc
  6. wellmax


    Hi all, is there a safe way of removing snails from a tank without removing the fish and plants????? Regards
  7. I have notice my plants are being nibbled. Would my large Angel Fish be doing this or is all the little snales I have living in my tank having a feed during the night hours ?? Regards
  8. Hi everyone my sword leaves have developed black spots. The spots start off small but grow two 3 ml. Then slowly develop into holes. Whats the cure. I am fertilizing with Excell. Regards
  9. I have been told that if one uses Co2 continually in ones tank the plants will become reliant and if you decide to stop the process for any length of time you can get a Co2 Crash which can cause your plants to die. Is this true?? Regards John Mc
  10. :bounce: :oops: In NZ there is only one supplier of Aqua One Filters I believe. But the mark-up between retail outlets is tremendous. Take for example the Aqua One Aquis CF2400 Canister Filter, Hollywood Fish Farm $577, Wonderworld Aquatic Pet Centre, Rotorua $450, Petonline $359, Petmart $343. Can anyone here explain to me why the wide price differences and does anyone know of anyone cheaper than Petmart. Regards John Mc :bounce:
  11. REVERSE OSMOSIS FILTERING Hi everyone, has anyone here used this method in their aquariums. Are there any benifits? Regards
  12. I have been told that peace lillies will grow submerged up to 2 years before they give up. Regards.
  13. Hi, What experiance has our members had growing peace lillies in their aquariums? There is a site online which I found interesting. I would very much appreciate your feedback. Regards. http://www.sydneycichlid.com/non-aquatic-plants.htm
  14. Allen, I note you advise potassium for my problem, I have been using Flourish and JBL Balls. There is no potassium in these fertilisers. Do you know of a product that has this in? Regards
  15. My Sword Plants have developed brown spots that look like algae but then after time a little hole will appear. Also is it true you can use Peace Lilly as an aquarium plant? Regards.
  16. Hi, once I had to remove a broken front from a 5ft tank. As stated earlier cut out the excess silicone with a sharp blade and then soke the joints with Ados Solvent. This will soften the silicon and you then can remove the glass and clean up all the joints using the solvent and Bob's Your Uncle. In your situation you will need to drain your tank and dry it out before you begin. Regards Wellmax
  17. wellmax

    Air Stones

    I have noted at most Aquarium Shops their large display tanks don't have air stones running. My question is why?? Can you over oxygenate your tank?? Regards
  18. Hi All, UV Filters are told to be the answer to all our algae problems. Even on the box it states this fact. Holywood retail price for one of these to do a 300 to 400 litre tank is about $150, quite pricey, but then if they work could be an excellent product. Has anyone here used one of these and did it really work as stated?? Regards Wellmax
  19. wellmax

    Brown Algae

    Hi Everyone, I found this article while surfing the net. An article that will interest many here. Regards Wellmax. http://www.aquariumsecrets.com/carbon_phosphates.htm Carbon Products and Phosphates Thanks to Dave M. for this insight! Dear Jennifer, I couldn't help read article about "Clear Aquarium Water", as it brought back many months of memories and months of experimenting with the water chemistry of my 80 gallon aquarium. I am willing to bet a substantial amount of money that the majority of the freshwater aquarium owners don't know that one of the worst things to use in an aquarium is "Activated Carbon", sometimes referred to as charcoal carbon! All carbon products used in the filtration process contain PHOSPHATE(S). If any carbon product, regardless of price or brand, state, "Does Not Contain or leach PHOSPHATE", than that manufacturer is lying and should be penalized for false advertising! I have spends oodles of time and money on plants and PHOSPHATE removal chemicals because my aquarium water had a rather high PHOSPHATE level and I just couldn't seem to bring the level down or eliminate the algae problem. My water was hardly ever crystal clear, so I kept adding more carbon to the filtration system and using a high dosage of PHOSPHATE remover, which was also in my filtration system. Little did I know, at the time, that while I was removing the PHOSPHATE with the PHOSPHATE removal product(s), I was, at the same time, adding more PHOSPHATE than I was removing! I might also add, that my monthly water changes of 35% didn't make any difference at all. After some research, via the internet, I finally realized that the PHOSPHATE problem was NOT due to over-feeding, or our drinking water, but the activated filter carbon itself! I came to this conclusion because my nitrate and nitrite levels were zero. My PH was 7.2-7.1. My biological filter was working perfectly! (Still the water was not crystal clear because it had high amounts of PHOSPHATE, which also makes aquarium water a little on the cloudy side, due to the presence of algae). As we all know (or should know), algae problems are caused by a combination of three major ingredients and those are: too much light, high nitrate level and high PHOSPHATE. If any one of these three mentioned conditions exists, the water will have an algae problem, along with being on the cloudy side. The first thing a person does to help clear-up "cloudy water" is add activated carbon. Yes, in time, it will clear-up and polish water, but while this carbon is running through filter, you add adding a significant amount of PHOSPHATE and algae problem will get worse than it was before you started using the carbon and soon, water will become cloudy again, once the carbon breaks-down. Now, my plants are growing beautifully! They are lush, green and healthy. My algae problem has vanished almost completely! The water is clear. I use no activated carbon at all in my filters! I do my monthly 35% water changes and periodically check my PH and, yes, PHOSPHATE presence. (I always keep a small bag of PHOSPHATE removal in my filter to make sure that the water is PHOSPHATE-FREE). Sincerely yours, Dave M.
  20. wellmax

    Brown Algae

    Hi Nick, my nitrate levels are zero but how do I go about eliminating the silicate level?? Regards.
  21. wellmax

    Brown Algae

    Hi Everyone, My tank now has been established and running nicely now for four months. In the beginning my lighting was on for five hours a day then brown agae appeared to grow on rocks and plants. I increased the light time to 8 hours a day. To me this has made the problem worse. Does anyone have a solution? My tank is an Aqua One 880, 300 litres. Regards Wellmax
  22. Thanks BikBok, Many thanks for the data relating to Sth Auckland Water and to all who have given there views on the subject. Regards Wellmax
  23. Thanks MarkLB, thats interesting. I would like to here more from those living in Auckland City. Regards Wellmax
  24. :roll: Hi All, I have noted here some do water changers straight from the tap without treating their water for Chlorine, Chloramines & Ammonia with a product available from your local Pet Shop. If this is true how does the good bacteria survive in our bio filters, these chemicals kill good bacteria. How do Aquarium Shops change their large volumes of water? There must be some secret here that Im missing. Its a great idea not to treat the water and make water changers easy, "Top up with the garden hose and we are away, BUT ARE WE LAUGHING OR CRYING, :oops: with the outcome. Regards Wellmax
  25. wellmax


    Thank you everyone for the advice given on this site, it carries such a wealth of knowledge for the novice when it comes to fish keeping. Cheers, John McAuley
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