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About Zayne

  • Birthday 06/10/1995

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Kapiti Coast
  • About You
    tropical fish

Zayne's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi everyone haven't been on here for a while, Im driving to Auckland on the 16th of December if anyone wants something picked up dropped off etc, please pm me
  2. sorry i mean i used a EU to AU adapter, not a voltage adapter. make sure the waver maker or electrical item is 220-240 volts
  3. i ordered a wave maker and it came with an adapter, make sure you get 220-240 volt things tho
  4. only get liquid the tablets are useless
  5. when we do a flea bomb i do i water change the day before and cover the tank with towels and glad wrap
  6. i just used dirt from the garden and mixed in peat as the dirt is quite sandy, mine went nuts until they cooked
  7. if you read the auction it says it listed two by mistake and he has another auction for $45
  8. Zayne


    The skateboard tank was bad!
  9. Zayne

    discus with fry

    They are fine now it just when i feed the fry, i think the fry are starting to get on their nerves
  10. I have a pair with about 20 fry they are about 2 weeks old, i have been feeding the fry freshly hatched brineshrimp, burt when i feed the young the brineshrimp the parents flip out and try to avoid the fry, when they try attach to their sides they flick them off, should i take the fry out now?
  11. Try get the liquid, i found that the tablets were useless
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