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Posts posted by kylefish02

  1. L52.Marking are only a giudeline.Young L52 like your ones have much better stripes.I have seen the L168 in aus and they are different to L52 adults.These guys for 8cm in nz at the moment will cost you $192 :o .I got mine when they were cheaper and got a pair.And please as i have said it is not L168


  2. I know u will say he looks more like L168 but your lines arnt nearly defined as much and plus i have bred these guys a few time the young are way more colourful than abults.But alsom remember these guys are called butterfly plrcs because they change colour against gracel and mood.


  3. L52 but almost could be l168 but doubt it most of nz butterflys are l52




    I know u will say he looks more like L168 but your lines arnt nearly defined as much and plus i have bred these guys a few time the young are way more colourful than abults.But alsom remember these guys are called butterfly plrcs because they change colour against gracel and mood.

    cheers kyle

  4. can be imported from countries which have bred them in captivity.America is getting wild caught ones again which are coming from other countries rather than brazil but they are illegally taking them out of brazil(smuggle) and then ship them to US and i believe if the importers in Us prove they came from outside of brazil it is legal.


  5. well i have a few spare young females.Inbreeding wont be much trouble with the as they were inbred anyway by one melanistic being imported than crossed with normal colour and crossing again that is why sometimes we get a gba with a big blotch of brown.They are just as easy to breed as normal bn so price will drop.I am gonna sell some on trademe for $10 each when i can be bothered to write up some stuff.I also still owe stu a pair but havnt had anytime to ship but will ship on monday probably stu if your reading this.Anyways i have no idea why i am typing this so umm yea??


  6. I believe the first person in the world to breed silvers was actually in nz.When i went to his store (just Fish) in taranaki sum where 8 years ago it was holding eggs.Dont know if he managd to raise them though?


  7. Nz has such a short supply of killies that we shuld keep these.Most of nz or all of nz gold gardneri were crossed with nigerianum so should we also kill them and have none left and probably never get them in??Comments like they shouldnt be bred coz there mongrels has no point to it as it is just different locations of bittaeniatum not different sp these 2 strains could LIVE 50km away from each other and may have just changed colour a bit even though the one in nz was believed to be an aquarium strain so was probably a hybrid anyway.So dont say dont breed them if u dont know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Here are some of the catfish>





    Brown whip at a guess as this is one of the sp. from peru but fairly similar


    And the white one is just a bit lighter than those ones above similar to parva.

    Hemiancistrus aka peru zebra as NZD is calling it but real name is imperial ranger.


    Bristle nose- Highly recommended tho beware they do not travel well CatBrat lost three on the way home with me and that was in 1 hr and mine even looked fairly bad when i got home but hav settled in niceley and look great.


    Spatuloricaria-Please dont get these as they are way to big already for ur tank as i have seen them and they are impressive just not for ur tank.


    Leocassis sp. here are examples


    SO i would have a think and maybe only get max three sp. of loricariidae as will fight and the maybe some discus and what not or maybe some of his apistos which he bought in which are awesome little fish.

    cheers Kyle

  9. First i highly doubt anyone here can sex these guys as it is to the trained eye only.A mud wall is only half the problem as well as tank size and the u would still have to do rainy season so not much point.The commercial bred ones are bred in dams and 1 lady in aus breeds common plecs in her dam but u wont breed them in captivity trust me.


  10. Interisting that you say u leave ur females only for 24hrs>i leave mine for a week with two females and 2 males and feed and main hatches get 50++>I have approx 120 choc australe in my ppond :D .My golds are the same except not as prolific maybe 20 per weak spawn.Btw remember choc australe com from very low oxygen level water so no oxygem pumped in water increases egg yield.


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